Unconsolablesobs consume the bedroom, andIhide my heated face behind trembling hands.Iknew apologizing wasn’t going to be easy, butIdidn’t expect it to stem from the terror of possibly losingZakfor good, either.
Awarm hand covers my knee.
Myhands shake asIdash away tears, sniffling and trying to blink away more tears coming. “Idon’t expect you to forgive me—”
“Idon’t,” he cuts me off with an edge in his tone. “Idon’t forgive you.”
Somethinginside me snaps, transforming sniveling into worsening sobs.
IknowI’vehurtZakbeyond repair—I’veknown that since the momentIwoke up in the back of theSuburbanwithAdrian’sarms still firmly planted around me—but being here in the flesh, confirming it beyond a shadow of a doubt, has me wishingIcould fall off the face of the earth into a black hole.
“Inever thought you’d admit it to me,”Zaksays quietly.
Gasping,Irub his shirtI’mwearing over my face to dry the tears. “I—Icame back to apologize.Icouldn’t stop seeing your face every nightIwas gone, andImiss home,ImissNYB,Timeless, and—”
Istop myself beforeIlet everything out, hiccuping at the sudden cease and desist like my body took a moment to catch up with my brain.
Imiss you,Chiquito.
Zakrubs his thumb across my knee.Hestares off into space, the corners of his mouth turned so, so slightly upward.Eventually, his head rolls over.Hedoesn’t say anything for a long moment, just contemplates me wiping streams of tears away. “Everyonemisses you, too.”
“Yeah, even my sorry ass.”Hereaches for my hand and squeezes it gently. “Inever wanted you to go,Steph.”
Thescoff that passes my lips is visceral. “God, you’re so fucking drunk—”
Zakreaches for my face, hand caressing my cheek, andhe kisses me.
Iimmediately push him away. “Whatthe hell are you doing?”
“Iftonight was my last, you’d regret not apologizing,”Zakmurmurs.Hiseyes flash to my mouth. “AndI’dregret not kissing you again.Justone last time.”
Westare at one another, my breathing hard and heavy and in disbelief.
Hisgaze is hypnotic until it’s too late:Zak’swarm lips are on mine again.
Imoan as my fingers curl in his thick hair.Hisbrawny arm slips around my waist to draw me closer.
Beingso close to him stokes a furious fire in my core, blistering everything untilIpress my lips against his again like it’s the only thing that can tame the flames.
“I’mso sorry,Z,”Imurmur breathlessly.
Hislips travel from my shoulder to my neck.Myeyes close when he plants a wet kiss on my throat.
“Idon’t deserve it, butIhope you forgive me one day.”
Hetakes my chin and silences me by locking his mouth to mine.
Beyondthe burn of liquor lingering on his tongue, beyond the new muscles and tattoos and shiny hardware, beyond the feigned machismo, everything aboutZakis exactly howIleft him.
Hestill smells like cedar and vetiver beneath the whisky.Hestill holds me just right, his strong arms locking all the fallen pieces back into place where they belong.
Hestill tastes like home.
Zak’stongue runs over my neck, tasting my flesh.Thebolt in his tongue sends a pleasant shiver down my spine.
Withmy hand at the back of his head,Ipull him even closer.