Page 50 of The Second Deal

Zaksqueezes me tighter whenIwince. “Igot it, babe.Go.Anddonotlook back.”

Hereleases his grip around me and pushes me out of the kitchen.

Irun as soon asZakstarts yelling. “Vamos, pendeja!Fuckoff!”

Withouteven thinking about it,Imake a dash forZak’sroom.


Dial Tone

–Catch Your Breath

Zakyellsan assortment of curses at his sister screeching outside the kitchen window, some inEnglish, but mostly inSpanish, a lot of which leaves me wondering what the hell he just said sinceIdon’t recognize the words.

Iflinch and stop pacing when my phone dings in the pocket ofZak’sshorts hanging from my hips.


Yeahand nowIwishIdidn’t.

“God, she is not giving up tonight.”

Myfeet lift off the ground at the sound ofZak’svoice behind me.Ispin around to face him, wide-eyed with hair standing straight up on the back of my neck.

“Sorry,” he mumbles.

Myphone dings again.

Ywhat happened??

Istare at the dimly lit screen, wondering. “DoesBrandyorRobbieor anyone else know aboutKris?”Iask.

“No,” he responds quickly in a loaded, firm voice. “OnlyShannon.Andit’s best they don’t, okay?”

Inod before textingRobbieback.

Justanother night of being a sad drunk.

AtleastI’mnot lying to him asZakpasses by with theCrownin hand.

“Haven’tyou had enough to drink yet?”

Hewalks all the way to the opposite side of the bed and sets the bottle on a nightstand before flopping onto the mattress with a heavy sigh. “Ithink tonight’s a special occasion andIcan have a little more.”

“Aslong as you share.”

Zaksmirks, grabbing the bottle and unscrewing the cap. “Desperatemuch?”

Hesips directly from the bottle before holding it out in my direction across the empty side of the bed between us.

I’mstill leaning against the charcoal wall with an eyebrow arched at him.

Hecocks his head. “Yougonna stand there all night?”

Ishrug. “Figuredyou hate me enough to not want me near you ever again.”

Zak’sgaze softens. “Idon’t hate you.”