60cm of Steel
–Alpha Wolf ft. Holding Absence
IstareatZakfor the longest moment, gaping at him like he just grew two extra heads and started speakingChinese.
First, his sister is la lechuza.
Second, he was bit by fang baby.
Third… “Youmade a deal with the devil for your life?”
“Babe,I…”Zak’sface twists and contorts, stammering.
Istare at the gauze covering his neck.WhenIblink,Ican still see his neck covered in blood and rain. “Youlost so much blood.”
“Yeah,” he agrees, almost laughing with a crazed look on his face. “Yeah,Ilosttoomuch blood.”
Myeyes sting. “Youshould be dead right now,”Iwhisper.Aviolent tempest churns in my abdomen and threatens to come out either as vomit or uncontrollable sobs.
Zaksucks his bare bottom lip between his teeth, face still contorting until it settles on an emotion: pain.
“Thatthing wouldn’t let me go,” he says softly. “Whenit finally did,Iwas barely awake.My—” his hand covers his chest, “—my heart,Icouldn’t really feel it beating anymore.It’sso hot outside, but-butIwas so cold.And…”
Histhroat bobs as he looks away. “That’swhenIsaw him.Barely.Icouldn’t feel anything,Icouldn’t really see, butIcould smell rotten eggs.
“Heasked ifIwanted to live.WhenIsaid yes, it’s like lightning hit my chest,” he explains, striking his chest with a fist, “and it felt likeIbreathed for the first time.Then… he was gone.Andthat’s whenIrealized you were on the side of the road yelling at me.”
“What’sthe rest of it?”Idemand. “Youmade a deal.Yourlife for what?”
Zakswallows, his lips parting as he searches my eyes.
Butnothing comes out.
Heshakes himself out of it before lifting up the egg. “Igotta do this.”
WhenIdon’t start arguing, he takes the holy water and splashes some over the egg, making a sign of the cross over it while muttering, “Enel nombre delPadre, y delHijo, y delEspirituSanto.Amen.”
He’sabout to touch the top of my head with the egg, butIgently grab his wrist.
“Isthat really why you bailed tonight?Youwere nervous?”
Hetries to pull away. “Igotta do this.”
Butmy grip tightens. “Notuntil you tell me whyIfilled in for your sorry ass at the show even though you asked me to come.”
Zak’shand finally falls.Hisface contorts in disbelief. “You… youplayed?”
“Don’tplay dumb with me.Iknow y’all set me up.”
Zakshakes his head vehemently, shushing me and insisting, “No, no, we didn’t.Iswear.”
“Well, it sure as shit seems like it!”Iscreech. “Whatthe hell is going on,Zak?Because, apparently, your sister is la lechuza, and you’ve been attacked by a vampire baby and made a deal with the devil to live to see another day, so you andAdriansetting me up tonight is definitely within the realm of possibilities tonight!”
“Whatdoes it matter?” he says before taking a nip ofCrown.
Myjaw drops. “Excuseme?”