Hetaps my chin up and presses his lips to mine, the briefest sensation of warmth brushing over my lips before it disappears.
Ilurch forward to recapture it, butAdrianis already down the hall, sashaying away.Thecanned lights overhead cast playful shadows in the curvature of his back and the dips just above the waistband of his black shorts make me salivate.
Huffing,Icross my arms and lean back against the wall, kicking the other side of the hallway in annoyance.ItossAdrian’sshirt on top of the guitar boat beside me and set his sunglasses on top in a desperate attempt to get the scent of him the fuck away.
Ididn’t come back to hook up withAdrian,Itell myself.Ididn’tcome back to hook up withAdrian.
ButIdid last night.Andhe’s willing to do whatever it takes to make me his.
Istare at the black brick in front of me, considering the image ofZakplaying his guitar burned into my retinas, the lingering taste ofAdrianon my lips, until it hits me: the din of a crowd.
Thedoors have opened, andI’mstill waiting for one last knock that has yet to sound.
Gettingup to peek out the door, there’s nada—nothing but a freak bout of rain lightly wetting the bone-dry pavement of the small parking lot.
It’schaos by the stage withAdrianon the phone,ShannonandRobbiefuriously bitching between themselves and a couple of others untilShannoncatches sight of me and swoops in.
“Hey, he hasn’t come by yet, has he?”
“No.Noone’s outside, either.”
“Fuckin’A,” he groans, scrubbing a hand over his face. “Youmind waiting back there just in case?”
Adrianhangs up and starts another phone call, completely oblivious to anything besides getting a hold of his brother.
Atthe back door,Ipeek outside again.Stillno one and nothing except heavier rain.
Eachminute that passes by without any word fromZak, without hearing the secret knock on the door, sets me even further on edge.Iball up my hands to make myself stop picking at the skin around my nails, but even then,Ifind myself kicking the wall and trunk.
Mysight snaps toShannonat the end of the hall, andIrush to meet him. “Ishe here?”
Shannonshakes his head. “No.Adrianhasn’t been able to get a hold of him, and neither have the rest of us.”
Groaningsoftly,Icheck the time on my phone.Seveno’ clock sharp.
“Timeless!Timeless!Timeless!”Thecrowd chants, echoing down the hall like a taunt.
“Whatthe fuck are y’all gonna do?”Iquestion breathlessly with wide eyes.
Thecrowd starts hooting and hollering.
“Hey, y’all,” a familiar voice sounds over the speakers. “Sorryfor the unconventional opening, but we’re in a bit of a bind at the moment.”
ShannonandIhardly glance at each other before making a run for the stage, colliding into each other to peer overRobbie’sshoulder.
Adriannotices, his sight honing in on me.Thecorner of his mouth pinches into a smirk. “Zak’sout for the night, but someone’s here thatIthink could help out.”Adriangestures towards me, directing the crowd’s attention. “StephaniWade’sin the house.”
Myjaw drops.
Hissight sweeps over the crowd, glittering eyes unbothered by the bright stage lights. “Y’allthink we can convince her to play for old time’s sake?”
Thecrowd loses their fucking shit, hooting and hollering and starting to shout my name.Shoutingfor me to get on stage, to pick up the guitar again and play for them.
Adrianturns away from the mic, heading our direction on the side stage.Thecloser he comes, the darker my vision tunnels on him like we’re the only two in here and not like hundreds of eyes are on us.