Page 32 of The Second Deal

“It’sme, babe.”


Almost Easy

–Avenged Sevenfold

HearingZak’svoice—himcalling me “babe” after all this time, sober—sends a razor-sharp blade through my heart, making lava turn into a waterfall.Ican’t sniffle fast enough.

“Whydo you keep calling me that?”Iquestion in a high-pitched whine as tears fall.Ithrow my hands in front of my face to hide.

BeforeIcan even think about running, a blistering hot arm wraps around my shoulders, like the sun itself is giving me a hug.


Zakleads me into the kitchen.Hishands come to my hips, planting me solidly against a counter. “Stayput.”Heresituates his sunglasses on top of his head and opens a cabinet. “Letme patch you up.Krisgot you pretty good.”

Iscoff, crossing my arms and staring at the tile floor with a trembling lip as tears tumble.

Zak’stattooed and ring-adorned hand appears, gently lifting my chin to make me look at him.Havingthose golden brown eyes watch me with a grimace is so much more painful thanKristrying to beat the shit out of me.I’drather let her finish the job than letZaktenderly dab at my face and steal glances.

“Wishyou’d stop cryin’,Steph,”Zakmurmurs.Thepads of his fingers brush tears away. “Krisdoesn’t punchthathard.”

Damnguy still knows how to make me chuckle.

Thecorner of his mouth pulls up in a small, lopsided smile as he gingerly places a bandage over the cut.

God, he’s still so fucking cute.

Helingers on my cheek for a moment too long before clearing his throat and letting his hands fall. “Sheshouldn’t have done that.”

“Yeah, well.Guesswe’ve had a fistfight brewing between us for a while now.”Myhead shakes again. “Ishould go.”

“Youcomin’ to the gig tonight?”

Ipause. “Figuredafter last night’s fiasco y’all wouldn’t play.”

“It’snot so bad some nights.”Hesearches my face. “I’dreally like for you to be there.Ifyou don’t have anything better to do,Imean.”


Ihave to gnaw on my bottom lip before it has the chance to jut out again.Asnivel slips, though, and my face crumples.

Zak’sbrows knit together, and he reaches up to swipe falling tears away again. “C’mon, don’t do that.Youreally gonna let my tiny-ass sister make you cry in front ofDrea?”

Istep away to where he can’t reach me with those goddamn tender hands of his. “It’snot because of her.”

Weboth fall silent, the air thick with humidity overShannonandKrisbickering,AdrianandAndreastarting a water gun fight.Thunderrolls, andIsniffle.

“Justcome tonight, babe.Me‘n’Adrianwill behave, promise.”

Imake a face at him. “Whydo you want me there?You, of all people.”Iscoff. “Allof this is my fault, anyway.”

Thequick moment of hesitation doesn’t escape me. “I’vealways wondered what it’d be like to see you in the crowd instead of on stage with me.”

Thefrown returns, butInod. “Okay.”Staringup atZak, getting lost in those eyesIused to could stare at for hours on end,Iblurt, “Youweren’t drunk last night because of me, were you?”

Zakgroans, rubbing his forehead. “Dreetold me you picked me up and brought me home, butIdon’t remember any of it.”