Whenhe turns around,Iquickly refocus onZak’sacoustic in his hand.
“Sowhat was that fight about earlier?”
Adriansits beside me, pausing before holding the guitar towards me. “Playsomething andI’lltell you.”
Iglower at him. “I’mnot playing anything.”
Heshrugs, starting to pluck the strings. “Guessyou don’t wanna know, then.”
“Brandysaid y’all have been fighting almost nonstop.”
Henods. “Yeah.”
Hestops fiddling, but he holds it out to me again. “Youshow, andI’lltell.”
I’mcertain my eyes have turned into molten stone on him.
Polishingoff my beer and handing him the empty bottle,Itell him, “Getme another.”
Ihelp myself to a couple more hits from his vape, studying the guitar across my lap.Funnythat this is theGibsonZakwould lend me back in the day.
Adrianfinds me lightly dragging my finger down the strings.
“Eventuallyyou’re gonna have to quit the foreplay and do the damn thing.”
“Oh, hush.”
Ichug at least half the beer before situating the guitar on my lap the right way, staring down the spruce neck like it’s a diabolical device.
Adrian’sstare claws at my skin, finagling beneath the epidermis and burrowing deep into pores and capillaries, butIignore it.Rightnow,I’mcradling my past over my lap and in my hands.Itsurrounds me in this very room.
MaybeIshould just let some things die.Ishould let everything in this house go.
Theguitar suddenly weighs like a thousand suns, burning my hands.Iset it aside, placing it on the couch between us before getting up.
“Where’reyou goin’?”
“Ishouldn’t be here.”
Footstepsfollow, and a hand grabs mine, forcing me to come face to face withAdrian.
“Thingswere so much better when you were in the band,” he admits. “Nothing’sbeen the same since you left.Timelessfuckin’ sucks without you.”
Isnatch my hand from his. “That’snot my problem anymore.”
Thedoor is right there, demanding my exit.
Adriansuddenly spins me around and pushes me against it.
Hishands cup my face as he presses his lips to mine.
Bad Habits
–Ed Sheeran ft. Bring Me The Horizon