“Your manager wasn’t happy, but Hillary calmed him down,” Elijah said, pushing back his bleached hair and wrinkling his nose. “I think she has a thing for him.”
“Gross,” I said, making a gagging noise and turning my top lip up.
“Car will be here in a couple of minutes, they’re meeting us down the bottom of the drive though, so we better get going.” Mav came over to me, scooped up my lone shoe, then held his hand out to me. “Want me to carry you down.”
I didn’t need to contemplate his offer for a single second. It was October, and it was bloody cold outside. Sure, I could probably handle a quick run down to the gate, but I was also hungover, and if Mav was offering, I wasn’t going to say no. Ever.
We said our goodbyes to our two friends, asking them to pass on our love to the ones left sleeping, then Maverick scooped me up into his arms and carried me down to the waiting car.
I snoozed on and off the whole way home. Cole and Ro slept like the dead, sitting upright and looking painfully uncomfortable. When I had drifted off I had twisted so that I was laying across my guys, legs up, last night’s dress riding up and exposing my underwear.
I caught Mav glancing from time to time and noticed him adjusting his cock too. I was glad that we had left early, and that I had managed to get a little more rest, because I was certain that even if the other two took a while to fully wake up, Mav would be on me the moment we walked through our front door.
I wasn’t wrong.
Mav got out to enter our gate code, then we were pulling up outside the familiar wooden front door of the place we called home. I went to wake the other two, but Mav stopped me, instead, unbuckling my seatbelt, dragging me to the car door, and throwing me over his shoulder.
He unlocked the front door. “Welcome home, baby,” he announced, stepping over the threshold and putting me on my feet.
“Oh, it’s good to be back,” I declared, spinning in circles in the foyer, the ice-cold floor not bothering me one bit as I pushed through the kitchen door and found a stack of snacks on the island, along with a note from Mrs Jones telling us there was plenty of food in the freezer.
Mav followed me, then grabbed my hand, towing me away from the kitchen and through the double doors that led to our lounge. The cushions on the sofa were perfectly plumped, nothing like when we had left, and I wondered if Mrs Jones had straightened the place up while we were gone, or if someone, Garth perhaps, had sent a cleaner in while we were away. I knew that it wasn’t our usual cleaner though, since one, there was no lingering smell of lemon from her usual cleaning products, the place smelled like freshly cut grass instead, and two, our cleaner had gone to stay with her family in Cyprus while we were on tour. Working for us paid well enough for her to take a break for a few months without needing to worry about her finances.
“I’ve missed this place,” he sighed behind me, wrapping his arms around me, one banding around my stomach, the other around my neck, fingers trailing slowly over my skin, making me shiver.
“Now that we’re home, do you still want…” He bunched up the fabric of my dress, lifting it high, then stroked my throat, dipping his head to my ear as I relaxed back against his body.
“Do I still want what?” I asked, my voice breathy as he continued to gather my dress and stroke my throat.
His fingers finally found the hem of my dress and then he was pushing his hand down the front of my panties, fingers finding my clit then dipping lower. “This.”
My lower lip trembled as he touched me. Touched me for the first time in far too long. He was worried that the bubble of tour would burst, and I’d push him away, but I wouldn’t, I wouldn’t push any of them away. So I ground my ass against him and moaned softly as he tightened his grip on my throat and teased his fingers over my pussy.
“I do,” I breathed.
It was all he needed, two simple words and another moan and he was bending me over the arm of the sofa, flipping the skirt of my dress up, and ripping off my panties.
His fingers plunged into me, two, thick, long, expertly playing me as his other hand held me down, firm on the centre of my back.
“I can see why you didn’t bother to wake us up,” I heard Ro say from somewhere across the room, I had no idea where he was, nor did I care as my pussy started to flutter around Maverick’s fingers.
“Can you blame me?” Mav said with a low laugh. “Look at her, fucking beautiful even when she’s hungover.”
I no doubt smelled like stale alcohol and sweat too, but none of them seemed to mind as a second set of hands began to grope my ass and then Cole was kneeling beside me, turning my head to face him, my cheek squashed against the soft, cream fabric of our sofa.
He leaned down to kiss me, not caring that all any of us had done this morning since leaving Brighton was chew on some gum. I couldn’t wait to freshen up properly, but my need for my boys was far more urgent.
“What do you want, gorgeous?”
“You,” I panted. Mav’s fingers were magic, but he kept stopping, remaining inside me, unmoving for a few seconds, then starting again, working me up as Ro began to spank my ass, swift little strikes with very little power behind them. Teasing. They were all teasing, even Cole as he gathered my hair into a ponytail and stood, tugging hard as Mav pulled out of me, stepping away and allowing Cole to take his place, arching my back and pressing against me, his trousers rough against my pussy and ass.
“Are you going to take us all like a good girl?” Ronan asked, coming into view in nothing but his black trousers, the crisp shirt he had been wearing the night before long gone.
“I dunno,” I said, and Cole tightened his hold on my hair. “How would a good girl take you?”
“Without complaint or fight,” Ro answered, unbuckling his belt.
My lips tipped into a smile. “Then no. No, I will not take you like a good girl.”