Page 96 of Give Me What I Want

One of the guys had called me a couple of days ago to tell me that the party wasn’t happening anymore, but that everything was fine, and they were still coming to the New Year’s Eve party tonight. I had been a little disappointed that I wasn’t getting to celebrate my best friend’s 30thwith him, especially as he never let anyone celebrate his birthdays, but I let it slide because I had been assured that there was a seriously good reason for it.

Cece filled me in, explaining in great detail what had happened that evening as I boosted myself up onto the kitchen counter, silky black leggings making me slip off a couple of times before I got comfortable.

“This is the best news ever,” I exclaimed when she was done.

“Isn’t it? Anyway, what did you want to tell me?” she asked.

I chewed my bottom lip, then blurted everything. I told her what she was going to end up hearing when she listened to the podcast. I explained to her what the label had planned for the party, and when I was done, I held my breath and waited for her to react.

“Holy shit,” she said slowly, a laugh bubbling out of her throat. “And you didn’t tell me this weeks ago because…?”

“Because, my darling girl, you can’t keep secrets from those boys of yours, and I know for a fact that at least one of them is even worse at keeping secrets, not that I’d ever be mad about it, but the label would kill us if this got out early.”

“I get it. So, this is what the future of Deity has come to,” she said softly. “Wow.”

“I know.” I laughed and blew a stray hair from my eyes as it fell from one of the chunky rollers that I had shoved in my hair. Sadly for me, Isla and Joel had both taken the day off to catch the train over to Paris for the night, and I had refused to call in anyone else to do my hair and makeup, so I was doing it myself, just like way back in the good old days when I wasn’t famous and could barely afford a decent foundation. “It’s going to be strange.”

“Very,” Cece agreed. “Shall I tell the boys now? Or wait for the podcast?”

Laughing, I hopped down off the counter. “Whatever you want, although I’d keep it to myself, just because I like knowing things that other people don’t.”

Cece decided to let them find out for themselves and left me to get ready for the party, not that I needed long, my body was already as smooth as a dolphin and my makeup looked great, minus my lips, but applying my signature red was going to be a last-minute job. All I needed to do was finish styling my hair and slip into my dress.

Coming up behind Cole, I leaned over him and grabbed a meatball from his plate.

“Jesus Christ, Bea, use a damn fork would ya.” He looked up at me and I grinned as I popped the meatball into my mouth. “Disgustin’ woman.”

“You weren’t saying that this morning when I hadyourballs in my mouth, want me to use a fork with those too?” I asked, making him wince and cup his junk.

“Fuck no,” he exclaimed. “But if you want to put my balls in your mouth again, like, right now, that might be nice.”

“It might,” I said with a toothy smile. “But I’m full up now.” I winked at him, then walked off, disappearing towards the lounge to leave him to finish his lunch in peace, or with a hard-on, who knew.

“Not so fast,” Cole said, coming up behind me as I reached the doorway, wrapping his arms around my waist. He lifted me off of my feet and carried me back into the kitchen.

My ass was awkwardly placed on the kitchen island beside his food, and he sat back down on his stool, grinning up at me. “You might be full up, but I’m not.”

I looked down at his almost empty bowl. “Better eat up then,” I said, gesturing to his fork. “Now is there a reason that you’ve put me up here?”

“Yes. I need pudding.” He shoved a twirl of spaghetti into his mouth then trailed a finger down my thigh. “Take these off for me and warm it up?”

I stared at him in confusion, wondering what the hell he was going on about. Why did I need to take my leggings off and warm some food up for him? What did he even want? All we had in the house was ice cream.

Cole looked at my face and laughed. “I wantyoufor pudding,” he explained.

“He wants you to sit up there and get yourself nice and worked up while he finishes,” Mav said from the doorway, leaning against the frame with a predatory look in his eye. “You know, I’m feeling a little peckish too.”

My lips parted as I realised what was going on, and then my fingers were moving before I could stop them and I was shimmying out of my leggings, thong coming down at the same time. Cole helped me get the fabric off of my ankles, and then returned to his food, scoffing it down as he stared at the place between my thighs.

Mav prowled across the kitchen, pulled up a stool, and sat down on my other side. I looked between the two men, both of them looking hungrily at my pussy, then leaned back, supporting myself on the white marble, and spread my legs slowly.

Mav’s breath hitched, and Cole’s fork paused in mid-air just as my fingers slid down over my clit, dipped into my pussy, then circled back up. I repeated the movement over and over, slowly taunting them as I worked myself up, feeling more and more arousal coat my fingers each time I slipped inside myself.

Cole shoved his last forkful of food into his mouth then pushed his bowl to one side and leaned back on the stool, gaze fixed on my pussy. Mav was doing the same.

“Come here,” I said to the guitarist and as he leaned forward, I pushed my soaked fingers between his lips.

“What is this?” Ronan asked from the doorway, he was sweaty, wearing nothing but a pair of grey sweats, and looked fucking delicious. He stared at Mav with my fingers still in his mouth, then at my legs, spread wide open with a man sitting on each side.