Page 97 of Darling Melody

He strode across the room, pulled off the remains of his shirt and flopped onto the bed. I gave him a questioning look and he rolled his eyes.

“Just stay on your side.” he said, shuffling across to the other side of his bed.

I pulled off my own t-shirt, it wasn’t in as bad a state as Don’s, but I’d broken my fair share of bones this afternoon and had god knew who’s blood on me. I needed to strip down fully and shower, we both did. But that could wait. A power nap seemed more important right now.

When I woke a short while later, I found the bed empty. I sat up and looked around the room, then noticed the slight mist and sound of running water coming from an open door. I pulled my phone from my trouser pocket and saw that I had a missed call from mum.

I called her back and held my breath as it began to ring.

“Hello love.” Mums voice came down the phone and I exhaled heavily.

“Hi Mum, what’s going on?” I asked.

“Meg isn’t answering her phone, why?” Mum said, changing the subject like she always did when she didn’t want to talk about something.

“Mum.” I said gently. “Is Dad ok?”

“Is Meg ok?” she tossed back at me, and I sighed.

“She’s sleeping, the doctor gave her something and he’s going to remove the bullet from her leg, she should be fine. I’m going to check on her in a minute.” I said then raised my finger to my mouth and chewed on the skin beside my nail. “So, Dad?” I asked again.

“I don’t know love. He’s been patched up and all that jazz. He’s unconscious still. The doctors say that only time will tell, but if he doesn’t wake in the next 24 hours it’s not likely that he’ll make it.” Her voice broke as she filled me in, and I stood up from the bed and paced the room. Longing to go and comfort my mum but terrified of leaving my girl. I paused as Don came out of the bathroom with a towel wrapped around his waist.

“Do you want me to come back home mum?” I asked. If she really needed me, I’d be there.

“No, I’m fine. I’m having a meeting at the house in a bit with the guys and a few of them are staying for dinner.” she said, pulling herself back together.

Mum and Meg had quite a lot in common. They both had the same unwavering strength, so of course mum would be holding a wolves meeting and overseeing things for dad. I had no idea why he needed a second when mum was around.

“Ok, well call me if you change your mind, or if you hear anything, or, just call me later please mum.” I said. “I love you.”

“I love you too Tobias. And love to your girl, I hope she’s alright.”

The line went dead, and I looked up at Adonis. He was hovering in the doorway of the bathroom with an expectant look on his face.

“No news.” I said simply. “Can I?” I asked, pointing to the bathroom.

He moved out of the way, and I left the door open as I tugged off the rest of my clothes and jumped in the shower. I leaned my head back into the spray and finally felt the tears begin to fall.

What a day.



The cupboard door flew open so violently that I was scared it would be ripped from its hinges. I clutched my stuffed bunny, scrunched my eyes closed and scrambled backwards. A huge hand reached in and wrapped around my leg. He dragged me out and threw me onto the kitchen floor. I landed in something wet, but I refused to open my eyes. I already knew what it was. I may have just been a kid, but I knew what they had just done to my mum. Where is Jase? I need my big brother.

“Fuck. Shall I kill her boss?” A deep voice said.

“You’re scared of a little girl? What the fuck will she do about this? Besides, we don’t kill children.” A different man said, and I cracked an eye open just enough to look up and see who was speaking.

I took in his face; he didn’t look much older than mum. Mum. I wanted her to be ok, but I wasn’t stupid enough to think that she was. I may have just been a kid, but I knew what these men were. What were they going to do with me?

As if he could read my mind the ‘boss’ spoke again.

“Leave her here. If it was a boy, we could keep it and train it. Girls aren’t worth shit. She’s no threat. Let’s go.”

I released a shuddering breath as I listened to my fate. I should have been furious, being a girl didn’t mean I wasn’t a threat. Being 9 years old and having no self-defence skills meant I wasn’t a threat.