Page 69 of Darling Melody


“When I asked why you didn’t join in, you said not to worry about it. It doesn’t work like that, so spill.” I said, giving him a stern look.

Don sighed and went to the fridge, grabbing three beers and tossing one to me and another to Toby. He opened his and took a long swig as he sat back down on the sofa and propped his foot up on his knee.

“Lorenzo.” he said. I tensed and Toby groaned.

“What’s he done now?” he asked.

I opened my bottle and moved to sit on the arm of the sofa beside Adonis. I wriggled my feet into the gap beside him and he wrapped his hand around my calf. His thumb began to stroke up and down my leg in a motion that had me instantly relaxing.

“Before he left the meeting to go to Chicago, he attacked me. I’m probably just overthinking, but I think he knows, or at least he suspects something. He told me I wouldn’t be able to perform tonight before he-.” he paused, his jaw tense and his gaze focused on the bottle in his hand. “Stabbed me.”

I ran my gaze over him, searching for his wound, but all I could see was the split in his lip that was healing nicely after the night that he was ambushed.And then interrupted my bath.

“Where?” I asked.

“Just my thigh, it’s fine, it wasn’t deep. But he’s got in my head.” he admitted, his brows pulling together.

“So let’s just push him out.” Toby said, making everything sound weirdly simple.

But it wasn’t, I understood that. No matter how hard you try, he’s always there somewhere. Chances are Lorenzo wasn’t referring to me when he wanted to put a halt to Don’sperformance,but I understood why he’d believe the monster might know what we were.

Don laughed darkly, and I placed my hand on his shoulder.

“It’s not that easy,” I said, “You do need a distraction though. Wanna go and shoot something?” I asked Adonis and he tore his attention away from the bottle, looking up at me and squeezing my leg.

“You really get me Nutmeg.” he said in a low voice that sent an excited chill through me. “But it’s late. Maybe in the morning.”

“I can’t,” I said sadly, “I have a meeting. But maybe the two of you can go, there’s a great place about an hour and a half away, no one will know you there.”

“In Shoredale? I know the place.” Toby said and we both turned to look at him in shock.

“What?” he said with a grin, “You guys remember who my dad is right? He may have kept me safe from gang life, but he still gave me the tools to protect myself. I’m not just a pretty face with an incredible body.”

“Let’s go shooting then Tobes.” Don said and I smiled.

My guys were going on a man date. I’d have to be careful not to lose them to each other.



I woke up sandwiched between two warm, firm bodies. Toby’s arm was wrapped around my waist, his breath slowly feathering the back of my neck. Adonis was on his back with my arm and leg slung over him, while his hand was resting gently on my thigh, I’d never seen him look so peaceful, all of his pain and aggression lost in sleep. I wondered if I looked the same when I slept.

Would it be weird to ask them?

He snored softly and I stifled a giggle. Toby stirred behind me but didn’t wake. I raised my head to search the room for a clock but couldn’t find one. Toby may have added a few personal touches to this place but apparently a clock wasn’t one of them.

“Go back to sleep.” Don murmured.

Shit, I didn’t mean to wake him.

“I have a meeting this morning, I don’t want to be late.” I whispered, careful not to wake the beautiful beast of a man snuggled into my back.

Don swung his arm out of the bed and fumbled around blindly on the bedside table. He picked up his watch and held it in front of my face. I squinted at the hands on the face and groaned. I had half an hour to get up, dressed and across town. And I desperately needed a shower. I’d quickly washed before getting into bed last night, but sleeping between two men was a lot like sleeping in a sauna.

“I need to go.” I whispered and wriggled down between them to get out of the bed.