Page 6 of Darling Melody

I ignored her childish act and dropped the plate onto the table in front of me and pulled my phone from my pocket. I couldn’t be bothered with tracking down my staff, so I often chose to send them messages with my demands.

I slipped my phone back into my pocket and opened the newspaper and placed it on the table. I then reached down and grasped M’s ankles and lifted her feet up onto my lap. She quickly snatched them away and planted them back onto the floor with a feral snarl.

“Don’t touch me.” she ground the words out and shot a murderous look at me before taking another sip of her coffee.

I pulled my phone back out of my pocket and dialled a number, bringing my phone up to my ear. It rang out twice.

“C,” I snapped while smirking at M and raising a challenging brow at her.

She huffed out an irritated breath and lifted her feet up and placed them on my lap.

“Yes Boss?” Coopers voice came down the line.

“I need you to arrange new security for Onyx. Two of our men were taken out by The Wolves last night. Oh and call Grey in for me, I’ll meet with him in an hour in my office, we have to get on top of these attacks.”

“Of course Boss.” Cooper said and I heard his music start back up before he cut the line.

M’s feet felt heavy in my lap, and I noticed that her legs were stiff.

“You need to relax amore mio.” I said as I let one hand wrap around her foot and begin to massage the soft skin.

Her face twisted with disgust, but she kept her feet where they were. Eventually I wouldn’t have to threaten her, eventually she’ll fall back into our usual routines without complaint, and we will be happy again.

Anette entered the room with my breakfast, and I lifted my newspaper to read to it aloud. My fingers slid to M’s toes, and I tugged each one slowly as I began reading.

“I don’t care.” M said, sounding bored, when I finished reading the first article to her.

I dropped the paper onto the table and rolled my eyes at her, “Yes you do. Now eat.” I gestured at her bowl and picked up my own spoon.

“Nah, I’m good.” She smiled and raised her cup to her lips once again.

She was trying to push my buttons, and I hated that it was working. I debated threatening one of her friend’s lives again, but I didn’t want to overuse that move, it was the most effective one I had. She could starve if she really wanted to. It would only affect me if she passed out on a job, so I’d simply withhold them.

I pushed my spoon into my mouth and moved my hand to her other foot, putting extra pressure onto the small cross just above her arch, causing her to let out a soft groan. Less than a second later she pulled her feet away from me and I swear she gagged.

She rose from her chair, but I caught her hand.

“Sit. Now.” I commanded and pulled her down with more force than was necessary.

She hit the chair with a thud and pinned me with a furious glare. A moment later her attention was snared by something else as the dining room door flew open and Adonis arrogantly strolled in like he owned the fucking place.Well well, he’s finally settled in.

Adonis stood beside her chair and picked up her half empty coffee cup. Her jaw clenched, but she didn’t speak to him. A small flicker of satisfaction flared inside me at her clear hatred towards him. He had no chance of coming between us.

He drained the cup and loudly dropped it back to the table. M pushed her chair away from the table and the satisfaction I felt quickly morphed back into irritation. Only now I was going to aim it at my stepson.

“Go and get her a fresh cup, now.” I barked at him.

But before he could open his mouth to argue or make some unpleasant comment M snatched up the empty cup and darted out of her chair towards the door. This time I was too slow to grab her.Fucking Adonis.

“He will go and get-.” I began, but she cut over me.

“I’d rather do it myself, and if I spend another moment in this room with the pair of you, I’ll ruin the tablecloth. And I’m sure Anette has enough to be getting on with this morning without having to deal with that.”

She looked from me to Adonis with a fire in her eyes then turned her back on us and walked out of the door. I let out a loud laugh at her dramatics, hoping she heard it. The sound of the kitchen door crashing closed was her response and I smirked.What a fun morning so far.

I turned my focus to my stepson and let the smirk drop from my lips, pressing them into a harsh line.

“You really disappoint me Adonis.”