Page 68 of Darling Melody

He lifted his bottle to his lips and drained the remaining liquid before standing up.

“Stay.” Toby said.

“Nah, I’m not really the cuddly type.” he said, and a laugh exploded from me.

“Bullshit, you cuddled me yesterday.” I said and grabbed his hand, tugging him back onto the sofa and wrapping my arms around him.

“Ok, I don’t cuddle in front of other people.” he said, and Toby made an offended noise and jumped up off of the bed.

“So I’m justpeopleam I? Dude I thought we had something special.” Toby complained, planting his hands on his hips.

I laughed again and squeezed Don tighter. “MaybeIshould leave.” I whispered in his ear, and he growled.

“Put your fucking dick away.” Don snapped at Toby, and he looked down in shock like he’d actually forgotten that he was completely naked.

Toby grinned at us and went to the chest of drawers to grab another pair of sweats then fell down onto the sofa next to us and picked up a carton of our discarded dinner.

“You’re cute when you’re grumpy.” Toby said to Don.

Don escaped my grip and scowled at Toby. “I am not cute.”

“You are.” Toby said with a serious expression.

“I’m not cute, I’m tough. I’m a tough guy.” Don protested.

I clamped my hand over my mouth to cover the hysterical laugher that began to spill from my lips. He shot me a dark look, stopping my laughter in its tracks and igniting something far less amusing.

“Ok tough guy,” Toby said through his own laughter, “You’re not cute, you’re big and scary.”

“You two are the worst.” Don said, “I like you separately, but together, no. I’m going home.”

“This is your home.” I reminded him, “So stay, get your ass in that bed with us, and enjoy a moment where we don’t have to fight for anything.”

Toby nodded beside me and stayed quiet, apparently knowing how far he could push Adonis before he needed to stop. It still seemed strange to me that these two men had bonded behind my back, but I was glad they had each other. I could see how they effected each other, and it sparked something warm and fuzzy in me.

Don stared at me, and I held his gaze with determination.

“Fine,” he finally said, “But if you touch me,” He looked past me to Toby, “You’ll end up with another scar, most likely on your face.”

“Ooh, if he does that I might be allowed to join his tough guy club.” Toby whispered to me.

If looks could kill, Toby wouldactuallybe dead this time. He raised his hands defensively and Don’s expression softened. I frowned at him and pursed my lips, how the hell was Toby able to make him do that so quickly when I had to constantly endure his grouchy side.

Oh yes, I like to push his buttons.

“I think he just likes me more than you.” Toby murmured as he leaned in to kiss my hair.Apparently one of my guys was a mind reader.

“It’s true.” Don said with a smirk.And the other one has super-hearing.

I huffed and got up, heading to the drawers where Toby had pulled out a pair of sweats and hunted in them for some underwear and a shirt to sleep in. As confident as I was in my body, I wasn’t sure sleeping naked would be a good idea when Don was apparently not going to be touching me.Why?Didn’t want to tempt Toby too much. It was one thing being directed by Don, but fucking next to him in the middle of the night was something else. I wriggled out of the oversized sweats that I’d stolen from Toby and grimaced at the mess I’d made.Oops.

“Donny.” I said as I slipped my sports bra off and tugged on a massive black band tee.

It fell down to the middle of my thighs and the fabric was stupidly soft. I was officially going to be claiming this one as mine. Even though I didn’t actually like the band.

“Sì.” he said and I internally groaned. I wondered if he realised what he did to me when he did that, even one simple word had me all achy.

“Are you going to tell me what’s going on?” I asked.