Page 63 of Darling Melody

“You are?” he asked, sounding shocked. “I thought you’d leave that for Adonis.”

“Why would I do that?” I asked.

“Erm because he’s been working his ass off to take over.”

“And?” I scoffed, “I’m going to kill Lorenzo, so The Brotherhood will be mine.”

“What if he gets there first?” Coop asked, suddenly very interested in the future of his gang.

“He won’t,” I said, “He doesn’t know my plan, and no one is going to tell him.” I gave Cooper a warning look before filling him in on my plan for the happiest day of my life.

Cooper smiled at me like a mad man as we pulled up outside the café where we would be meeting Eden.

“Can I handle-.” he said.

“Of course you can.” I replied, mirroring his grin and knowing exactly what he wanted to do. “Just promise me you’ll make it hurt.”



I tossed my keys into the bowl that I’d placed next to the front door and yawned. It had been my first full day back at work and I was exhausted, but happy.

I’d added a few of my own touches to Adonis’ apartment, seeing asIwas the one living here. I liked his minimalistic décor thing, but I still wanted it to hold a little bit of me.

My phone buzzed as I pulled it out of the pocket of my sweatpants, and I smiled dreamily at the message that lit up the screen.


L is going out, I’m sneaking over. See you soon.

I tugged my hair out of the elastic that held it in its usual bun and ran my fingers through the length of it. It was still damp from the shower I’d taken before leaving the gym, as was my tank top where I’d chucked it on without drying. I pulled it off and slipped my trainers off, replacing them with some comfy as hell slippers. Did it make me look like an old man? Yes. Did I care? Abso-fucking-loutely not.

I typed out a message to Meg to ask her to bring round food and flopped down onto the sofa. I’d quickly made my way through the dishes mum had sent, although there was plenty of food in the fridge that I could have cooked, but after such a tiring day I wanted to save every ounce of energy for my girl.

She replied with a picture. It was of her looking smug as hell in her car with a bag of what I prayed was Chinese food strapped to the passenger seat. My little Vixen had her priorities right.Protect the food.

Ten minutes later she knocked on the door and I practically ran to open it and scooped her up into my arms as the smell of Chow Mein hit me. I loved that I was almost fully healed and could finally hold her like this comfortably.

She squealed and batted my shoulder as a laugh spilled from her lips. I put her down and closed the door. She playfully swatted my ass and groaned appreciatively as she eyed my chest.

“See something you like?” I asked.

“Maybe,” she purred and ran a finger down over my chest and across my abs until she reached the defined ‘v’ that pointed down beneath my sweats. “but I’m hungry.”

She plucked the edge of my sweats and turned away to head to the kitchen area and grabbed two forks.

“You uncultured beast.” I chastised her as I followed behind and snatched the forks out of her hand. “If you don’t use chopsticks then I’m afraid this won’t work and you’ll have to leave.”

She pouted at me, then shrugged. “You can clean up the mess I make then.”

I laughed and grabbed the sticks from the drawer and joined her where she had sat down on the sofa. She pulled cartons of food out of the bag and opened each of them and told me what was inside, like she was a kid doing show and tell.

I watched and listened happily and patiently, and once the last one was open, I dove in, grabbing the nearest carton and shovelling food into my mouth. Meg gaped at me then joined in, making a horrendous mess.

Holy shit, how is she still so hot with sweet and sour sauce running down her chin?

We chatted about our day as we ate, mainly focusing on my day since apparently something big had happened over the weekend and she wanted to wait to tell me. I already had an idea as Adonis had text me brief updates. We had almost had a fight over what Lorenzo had done to our girl – oooh,ourgirl – the other night, but I couldn’t hold it against him. He clearly felt like shit because of it, and I regretted making him promise to keep her safe. I didn’t want to be the reason that he was beating himself up. Although when I saw the way he looked at her I knew his promise wasn’t the only reason he was doing it.