Page 60 of Darling Melody

His brows dipped and he shot Megan a piercingly cold look before turning and slamming the door behind him, leaving us alone.

I turned to my woman and rolled my shoulders. She turned back to the punching bag and stretched out her neck before driving her fist into it.

“Megan, can I have yourfullattention.” I snapped.

“I can multitask.” she said dismissively.

I take it back; I wish I’d broken her.

“Do as you are told.”

I grabbed the bag as it swung from the impact of her punches, and she let out a low growl.

“If you insist on hurting me you have to allow me this outlet. It’s either this, or I kill you.” she said.

Her fire was back in full force. Had she faked those tears last night? No, of course not, no one could fake it like that. She had been scared, but somehow she had managed to bury that feeling.

“Good luck with that,” I murmured, there was no way in hell she’d even get close to killing me. My girl was talented, but I was on a whole different level. “I want the truth, did you leave?”

“No.” she said, and I searched her face, but I couldn’t find the lie anywhere.

“So you were here? The whole time?”

“Yes.” she said in an exasperated voice.

“Explain the wardrobe then.” I said, releasing the punching bag and moving to stand so close to her I could feel the warmth of her breath as she looked up at me with revulsion painted all over her face.

“I don’t like the clothes that you picked for me. So I was getting rid of them.” she said coldly, “And I’m angry with you, so I trashed the wardrobe for good measure. I see I succeeded in pissing you off.”

A cruel smile tugged at her lips, one that made my dick ache and my fists clench.This woman. Fuck.

“Well there’s no need for childish outbursts amore mio.” I grasped her chin between my thumb and forefinger, “but if it everdidcross your mind to leave, again, just know that I would find you.”

She pursed her lips and remained silent.

“No one can hide you from me, you have no one, Cooper is leaving,” her eyes widened a fraction and I smirked for a moment at the realisation that she didn’t know, “That girl, Eden, she’s about as useful as a chocolate teapot,” I went on, drilling into her just how alone she would be without me, “The boy, Tobias-.” Her lips lifted into a half smile, then dropped so fast that I almost doubted what I’d seen.Almost.Rage flared inside me, and my grip on her chin tightened.

“I’ll kill him.” I breathed. The realisation hitting me so hard it almost hurt.

Her gaze hardened, “For what?”

“Don’t play dumb.” I snarled. “You’ve been with him haven’t you.”


“DON’T,” I roared and pushed my face closer to hers. “If you ever see him again, I will kill him, why do you continue to test me?” I whispered and watched fear flash through her eyes.

“You wouldn’t get close.” she said.

“Are you sure about that?” I asked.

If she honestly thought that Charon scared me, she was painfully mistaken. If anythingsheshould be worried about him coming forher. I now needed to protect my woman, because his threat had been loud and clear, if she went anywhere near his son, she was a dead woman.

“I suggest you stop amore mio. Do I need to remind you what his father will attempt to do ifhefinds out?” I asked, a fraction calmer.

“I remember his threat. So what do yousuggestI do instead?” she asked, and I noticed a hint of worry in her voice.

“Marry me.” I said.