Page 47 of Darling Melody

“Yeah, so are lots of girls, the pill isn’t always reliable.” she said, and I laughed again at the serious look on her face.

“Yeah, thanks Mum,” I teased, “I know that. I have an IUD though.”

“You could still get pregnant.” she said, crossing her arms.

“Chances are pretty slim.” I said, “It’s not a shotgun wedding.” Although, that did give me an idea, maybe I could kill Lorenzo at our wedding. Lure him into a false sense of security by getting all the way to the day with no complaints, and then take the term a little more literally. Except it wouldn’t matter if either of us said ‘I do’, I’d pull the trigger either way.

“That’s good, nothing against kids, but do youreallywant a bump in your wedding photos.” she said, relaxing back and picking up the menu.

“Nope.” I said, and looked down at my own menu, she didn’t need to know that there would be no photo’s, not unless I found a photographer who was super chill with the fact that they’d be documenting a murder.

Actually, I might know just the guy.

“Oh,” I added, “I almost forgot, Lorenzo asked me to video call when I was with you, something about wanting to put a face to the name. Do you mind?”

I pulled my phone out and gestured to it. Eden nodded excitedly.

“Of course I don’t mind.”

“Great.” I said, and pressed call, hating that he was controlling me like this.

We ordered our lunches and Eden filled me in on things at the office, she was annoyed that I’d left, but when I’d told her the perks of working from home, she was a little more forgiving.

Her relationship with Lukas was improving sexually. She had finally taken my advice and was telling him what she enjoyed. She asked me about Toby, she said she hadn’t seen him at the gym recently, so I told her the story that Charon had given to the world; Toby had been jumped, he had fought well, but you know what the thugs are like in this city.

“You would.” Eden teased, “You’re one of them.”

“Firstly,” I said in a mildly offended voice, “I’m not athug,and secondly, I’m not in The Brotherhood anymore.” The truth had really come out, everyone knew who I was now, including my friend.

“Why?” she asked, “Not that I really get the appeal anyway, but why?”

“Because it’s safer for me not to be.” I offered her a partial truth.

She accepted it and then excused herself to use the bathroom. While she was gone, I checked my messages and found two from Don.


I could always just get Cooper to take a picture for me.


Covered, tell T he owes me though.

I replied thanking him and chastising him for using Cooper that way then looked out of the window to see if I could spot my best friend in the restaurant opposite. It didn’t take long to spot him, he was sitting in a window seat, wearing a completely different suit to the one he had on this morning.Strange.

I gave him a little wave and he waved back just as Eden came back to the table.

“Whois that?” she said, flicking her hair over her shoulder and not even slightly subtly checking him out.

“That is my best friend, Coop, andyouhave a boyfriend.” I said.

“I can still admire a fine piece of ass when I see one.” she said with a giggle. “You’re constantly surrounded by hot guys; how do you ever get anything done?”

“They are all annoying as hell,” I said, “It’s very easy.”


Toby’s hands slid down to the backs of my thighs and he lifted me up. I wrapped my legs around his waist but gave him a disapproving look.