Page 44 of Darling Melody

“No, he isn’t.” she snarled.

“I’m doing this Nutmeg, accept it and stay the fuck out of it.”

She recoiled like I’d slapped her, “Why did I think I liked you?” she whispered.

“Seriously?” I began but she ran off down the corridor to the stairs. I groaned and shrugged on a jacket and followed after her.

I caught up to her by the front door and grabbed her arm.

“Grow up Megan.” I hissed.

“So it’s Megan now, is it?” she said, ice coating her words.

“Yes, I’m mad at you.”

“I’m mad at you too.” she said. Sounding a lot like a child who wasn’t getting their own way.

“Then go get in my car.” I said and pushed my keys into her hand.

She glared up at me for a moment, then nodded sharply and stormed out of the house.

I ran my fingers through my short hair and sighed inwardly before going to knock on Lorenzo’s office door. He was putting on his long overcoat as I stepped inside and he looked irritated at the intrusion.

“I’m taking Megan out shooting.” I said firmly.

“Why would you do that?” he asked, and his gaze sharpened on me like he was trying to see my inner thoughts.

“Because I think she’s going to shoot one of us soon if she doesn’t let out some of that anger. I don’t fancy being on the receiving end of that.” I said.

He nodded and pushed past me.That was easier than expected.

I followed him into the foyer and watched him turn off to the hallway that led to the garage door before rushing out of the front door to my car. She was waiting in the passenger seat and tossed my keys at me as I sat down.

“Where are we going?” she asked, her voice still full of rage.

“To let out that anger.” I said and started the engine, speeding off before the garage door began to open. I wanted to get away before Lorenzo came out.

“How?” she asked.

“If you’re feeling chatty how about we change the subject back to what we did.” I said.

“No.” she snapped and stared out of the window.

She remained in that position until we pulled into the car park at the shooting range, and I noticed a small smile sitting on her lips.

We got out of my car, and she strode ahead of me, entering the building first.

“M, it’s good to see you.” A young guy greeted her, and she smiled at him.

“I’m in a horrible mood,” she said through her teeth, “come watch if you want to see me destroy this arsehole.” She glared at me, and I met her with an impassive expression.

“It’s not a competition.” I said in a low voice.

“It’s always a competition with you.” she smiled at me with venom in her eyes and I narrowed mine back at her.

We grabbed our guns and headed out the back to the outside range. No one was out here with us, and I hoped it stayed that way. She had invited that kid to watch, and having someone with her reputation here would probably gain us an audience, but there was a viewing area inside, they could stay there.

She set herself up and fired off a round of practise shots. I watched her carefully and felt a twinge of sadness, I could see that she missed this.