Page 33 of Darling Melody

He laughed and I knew why, I’d killed Carl as revenge for him killing my mum on our kitchen floor.Oh how the cycle never ends.

“It seems that he’s been planning on takingyouout but knew he would need a lot of men on his side to deal with the aftermath, especially now that yourrelationshipwith Lorenzo has come to light. Adonis actually requested this job.” he said and gave me a knowing look. I guessed someone had filled the arsehole in on what had happened in my past then.

“Adonis doesn’t do white knight shit, he’s just a bloodthirsty opportunist.” I said.

“Fuck you’re so blind. Whatever, he went out, and we have no idea what’s happened.” Cooper said, scrubbing a hand over his face in frustration.

“I’ll go. I’ll find him.” I said as rose to my feet.

“Don’t be a fucking idiot M, if they don’t kill you, and they could, you’re good, but I don’t know if you’rethatgood, Lorenzo will. He can see through your lies, both of you, don’t be a hero. Dammit it’s like the only people who can’t see it are the pair of you. Just, just trust that Lorenzo is good at what he does, and Adonis will come home.”

I pursed my lips as I took in my friend’s words. Ok fine, maybe I didn’thateAdonis. And maybe, even though I actually did hate Lorenzo, he was good at what he did.

I gave Cooper a sad look, and he leaned down to place a kiss to my forehead.

“I know, it’s hard.” he said soothingly, and I smiled. Coop was getting way better at this comforting thing.

I pulled my phone from my bag and found Adonis’ number. Cooper gave me a warning look, but I just shrugged and pressed call.

The line rang out and I chewed on my lower lip, all I could think about was how if he was here, he would be pulling it out of my mouth and chastising me for being so open about my feelings. But I was worried, and the longer it rang, the more panicked I became. I reached his voicemail and decided on impulse to leave a message.

“Don, where are you? Erm,” I hesitated, unsure what to say now that I was letting words escape me. “Don’t be dead.” I said and cringed at my stupid words then hung up.

Well, if he was still alive at least he’d be alive and amused when he heard that.

I looked up to Coop and he raised his brows at me.

“You two are as bad as each other,don’t be dead,fuck me sunshine.” he rolled his eyes and I groaned.

“At least you’ve calmed down.” I said and gave him a pointed look. “I was starting to think you might like him too.”

“Ha!” Cooper barked, “So youdolike him.”

I tossed him a furious look, “He could be dead and you’re focusing on the fact that I might not hate him.”

“You’re doing that thing,” he said with a frown, “Don’t take shit out on me, go and do something to relax.”

I was, I was taking it out on him because he was here. I was worried and this is how I always acted when I was worried. I’d lash out at the people around me, and Coop always got the brunt of it because I was so comfortable with him.

“Yeah, ok, I’m going for a bath.” I said.

That might be relaxing, and if not, at least I could wash away the other shit of the day.



Where the fuck is he?I slammed my phone down onto my desk after the third attempt to call my stepson. That little arsehole better not be dead. I need him. I have too many plans that rely heavily on his existence.

My mind whirled with ideas, but none seemed to fit as nicely as the ones I had already set in motion. Adonis needed to take over The Brotherhood so that I could retire and spend the rest of my days safe from danger with my soon to be wife.

Until he had turned up, I had Grey in mind to take over, but with his age and the demands that Deb was beginning to put on him I couldn’t see that ending well for The Brotherhood. Cooper could have been a good choice too, he was the smartest member we had, and his skills remained polished even though they were rarely required, but his heart didn’t seem to be in it anymore, there was something going on in his life that he wouldn’t share with any of us. Maybe if I could find out what it was, I could make it all go away and focus my attention onto readying him to take over.

But IwantedAdonis. Sal had trained him well, almost as well as he had trained me. Adonis may have been a hot-headed chaotic mess at times, but so was I, and I had found a way to make that work for me. He could do it too. Dammit that kid better be alive.

I rose from my chair and grabbed a glass from the table at the side of my office and poured myself a large measure of whiskey. The liquid warmed my throat and sent a calming buzz through my body.Don’t lose your head Lorenzo.

I paced the room a couple of times, attempting to get into Don’s head. If Sal had trained him the same way he had done me then he would have killed all twenty of those men. But Don wasn’t used to the element of surprise. That was something you learned to handle over time. I’d been doing this for eighteen years. I remembered being sixteen, freshly initiated and out on my first big job, and having no idea how to handle an ambush. But I was always quick, physically and mentally. Was Don as quick as I hoped?