Page 24 of Darling Melody

I did as I was told, aware that it would take me a few minutes to recover from the pain that was ricocheting through my body.

I sat watching her pack my things as the pain slowly ebbed away. When she was finished, I grabbed my pain meds from the small table that was beside the bed and passed them to her to pack. She eyed them and handed them back to me.

“Have you taken any today?” she asked.

This girl was starting to sound a hell of a lot like my mum.

“Yep.” I lied. I didn’t want to rely on them.

“Don’t be an idiot Toby, you’ve got a lot of stairs to climb when we get to your place, take some now.” she said, seeing straight through me.

I popped a couple of pills into my mouth and dry swallowed them. She gave me a disturbed look and shuddered.

“Who the fuck dry swallow’s pills?”

“Awesome people.” I said with a grin.

Meg shook her head at me and zipped up my suitcase. She lifted it off of the bed and we made our way to the kitchen. We found mum stood by the freezer, pulling out tray after tray of food and depositing it into a large cool box. Mum came and kissed me goodbye and pulled Meg into a tight hug before she picked up the box of food and followed us out of the house. We loaded up into Meg’s car and sped away to my apartment. I’d miss my parents, but I knew that I’d at least be seeing more of dad now that I didn’t have to steer clear of his world.

I directed Meg to the parking lot at the back of my apartment building and we slowly made our way around to the main entrance, her dragging my suitcase and the box of food, while I dragged myself.Wow I feel pathetic.

As we rounded the building, I noticed a familiar figure standing by the intercom. Meg noticed too and a deep scowl landed on her face.

“What the hell does he want?” she ground out.

“Oh come on Vixen, I thought you were over your issues with him?” I said, giving her a gentle nudge.

“I forgave him for attacking and almost killing you because that’s what you wanted, I didn’t like him before that though.”

“Why though?” I asked.

I knew what the reason was, but I hoped that if she said it out loud, she would realise how dumb it sounded. I liked Adonis, and I wanted them to get along too. It was obvious to me that he cared about her, he wasn’t just looking out for her because I’d made him promise to, and I had a feeling that she cared too, she just needed to stop and think about it.

“Because he’s a piece of shit.” she said and stormed ahead of me, stubborn as ever.

She wasn’t going to play ball today.Dammit.

I laughed as I attempted to catch up with her and Adonis came striding towards us.

“Turn around.” he commanded as he approached, and Meg dropped the box of food onto the floor and planted a hand on her hip as she came to a standstill in front of him.

I reached them a moment later and gave my new friend a wide smile. He glanced to me, then focused back on her. The tension between them was insane, and my smile only grew bigger as they stared each other down.

“Get out of our way Adonis.” Meg snarled, but he didn’t move.

“Turn aroundMegan,”he repeated, “Before someone see’s you.”

She opened her mouth to say something else, but I cut over her, “Can we just get inside and argue in there?”

They both turned their attention to me, their faces mirroring each other’s as concern flashed through their eyes.

“I’ll help you back to the car.” Don said to me and picked up the cool box. “We need to get away from here.”

He strode past Meg and her mouth fell open in shock as I turned and walked beside him.

“What the fuck? You can’t just come here being all vague and shit and make decisions for us, and I could handle carrying the box, arsehole.” she said as she reluctantly followed us.

“I can,” Don began, “I’ve been sent to keep an eye on you. Apparently he still trusts me, but he doesn’t even slightly trust you. You should be thankful that he sent me and not Grey.”