Page 14 of Darling Melody

I shoved my way past him and down the corridor that led to the office that I was sharing with Cooper. I heard a door slam as I made it halfway down the corridor and stopped to spin around and head back to the foyer. Something about the look on his face when he had come out of his office worried me.

I leaned against the banister of the over-the-top staircase and waited. Clive came over to me once to warn me against disobeying the boss, but I brushed him off, assuring him that I could handle Lorenzo.

Cooper emerged from the office ten minutes later with his head down. He looked like a kicked puppy, and I felt my hands ball into tight fists. He glanced up at me, and that was when I noticed the blood pouring from his nose. His eyes silently begged me to walk away, but I couldn’t. Anger flared inside me and without thinking for a second, I flew past Cooper and into Lorenzo’s office.

“What the fuck did you do!” I exploded at him and slammed my hands down on his desk.

He looked up at me from where he sat on the other side wiping blood from his hand with a handkerchief.

“I did what was necessary.” he said bluntly.

“On what planet is hurting my friend necessary? You know you probably broke his nose, why the hell did you do it? Cooper has done nothing, if you want to punish me, punishme.”I yelled.

“Cooper made you smile. Other men should not be making you smile.” he said, seeming unrattled by my outburst.

“You’re insane Lorenzo.” I snarled, and he rose from his seat.

He moved slowly, his eyes narrowing as he re-buttoned his suit jacket. He smoothed it down and rounded the table and I straightened up and turned to face him, my chest heaving and my jaw tensing.

He looked me up and down.

“Would you like to say that again amore mio?” he said, a warning in his tone.

But I was too far gone. “You’re fuckinginsane.”I said, spitting the final word at him.

He tutted at me and gave me a disappointed look before coming at me. Before I could move, he had his arms around my legs and was throwing me over his shoulder. I screamed out in protest and pounded my fists against his back. He simply laughed and carried me out of his office and up the staircase. With each step my pounding on his back became more and more frantic.Where the fuck was he taking me?He turned right at the top of the stairs and headed towards the only door in that corridor. His bedroom.

I screamed again. This time my anger was slipping and being taken over by fear. He laughed, again, and pushed through the door.He won’t kill me, he won’t kill me,I repeated over and over in my head, but it did nothing to calm me, he might not kill me, but there are plenty of other things that I wouldn’t put past him doing. I thrashed around on his shoulder, desperate to free myself from his grip before-.

“Stay still amore.” he growled.


I squirmed and attacked with more force, squeezing my eyes shut as he paced his room with me until he finally threw me.

I landed with a heavy thud on the floor. Pain shot through my body at the impact on the hard floor and I realised that I’d not landed on the plush carpet of his bedroom. I opened my eyes and found myself on my back, staring up at the ceiling of his wardrobe. The wardrobe that held my clothes captive.

I raised myself up onto my elbows just as he dropped down to crouch next to me. His face was so close to mine that I could almost taste him. My stomach knotted as I recalled how him being this close affected me before I knew what he had done. I’d have been squirming with desire a few weeks ago. Now, now I wasn’t sure if I wanted to hurl all over him or hurl him across the room.Both, 100% both.

“You will start to respect me.” he said, grabbing my chin in his hand and moving his thumb over my lower lip in an almost painful swipe.

I tossed my head back, releasing myself from his grip, “Never, respect is earned.” I said through gritted teeth.

He stood upright and took a step backwards to the doorway.

“We’ll see if you want to take that back in a few hours.” he said darkly and closed the door.

The lock clicked into place, and I was swallowed in darkness.

I sat up and tried to let my eyes adjust to the darkness of the room. I presumed there must be a light switch or something in here. I’d been in here multiple times when Lorenzo was out, coming in to gather clothes so that I wouldn’t have to keep rotating the same outfits, and each time I’d been in here it had been well lit. I shuffled across the floor until I hit the door, and pulled myself up, feeling all over the walls on either side of the door for anything that resembled a switch.Nope, nothing.I took a chance and waved my hand around in the air around me, hoping that maybe there was a pull cord, but my hand just swiped through air.Dammit, why didn’t I pay more attention, this is so not like me.

I gave up my hunt, my eyes now slightly adjusting to the darkness, I couldn’t see anything clearly, just slightly darker areas that would be where the clothes were hanging, but it was enough to feel a little less uncomfortable. The dark never really bothered me, but being kept in here unwillingly did. I slumped back down to the floor and leaned my back against the wall, wondering how long I’d be kept in here. I shouldn’t have let my temper get the better of me. I had work to get on with, my clients are going to be pissed.

The only good thing about being in here was that I had more uninterrupted time to plan my boss’s demise.Silver linings.

I toyed with different ideas, I needed out of The Brotherhood first, that would make things so much easier. But then staying in gave me the benefit of having inside knowledge regarding Lorenzo’s movements. Not that he ever did anything for himself these days. No, he sent Adonis to do almost all of the heavy lifting. I tensed as that thought sunk in. I’d not been out on a single job since coming here. I’d been allowed into a couple of meetings, but nothing major. I was being punished, and no doubt things would stay like this if I stayed in. I needed one more job though.

I began to fidget with my fingers, the desire to place a gun in my hand and a bullet in a body was burning strong. He was taking everything from me, including the thing I did best.