Page 110 of Darling Melody

“I have an idea.” Toby said as he appeared next to me and we both turned to look at him. “Do you recall that promise you made to her the night before the wedding?”

My face must have lit up like a Christmas tree with the way Toby laughed, and I straightened up and put my weight back on my crutches.

“Nope, no recollection of any promises.” Don said in a teasing tone.

“Donny,” I snapped, twisting around to face him. “Don’t be a dick.”

“Fine, I remember” he said and clicked his tongue. “But I’m not sure you’re ready.”

“I am.” I said resolutely. “Now move, It takes me longer to get up the stairs than it does to get down.”

I shoved him with my shoulder and hopped past him.

He laughed darkly and came rushing after me, colliding with me and lifting me off of my feet. Toby caught up and raced past us up the stairs, shouting down that he was off to find Don’s secret stash of lube. These two guys knew exactly how to make me smile, and I hoped and prayed that it never changed.

“Are you sure you can handle it?” Don asked as he adjusted his hold on me and kicked my crutches out of my hands.

“Of course I can handle it, plus, you promised, and I kept up my end of the deal.” I pouted, pointing out the fact that I was still alive.

“I did, and I suppose you have earned it.”



14 months later.

“I’m leaving in ten minutes, where is he?”

I had my phone propped to my ear with my shoulder as I worked the coffee machine, swapping out each cup as it filled with steaming hot liquid.

“He’s still at the shooting range, I’ll call and get them to try to keep him there a bit longer. I still don’t understand why you couldn’t pop into the café later when we go to dinner.” Toby said.

We’d had our first argument this morning, not that you could really call it that. It was nothing compared to how me and Don would blow up at each other. Toby rarely annoyed me, Don did it constantly. Sometimes I wondered if he did it on purpose because he knew that 90% of the time it would end in us ripping each other’s clothes off.

“Because I needed to meet with the new manager. I have a good feeling about this one, he’s the best we’ve had so far.” I said, glancing across the café at the guy I’d hired last week to replace yet another girl who couldn’t handle the stresses of running this place.

Toby sighed heavily down the line, and I felt a pang of guilt. I’d left him to handle everything today while I came back to Westeroak to handle business. Before we had left the city for good, I’d made a snap decision to buy the café by the lake that I loved so much. The previous owner had been considering selling up and I made her an offer she couldn’t refuse. Once it was mine, I had the entire place re-vamped and even changed the name.

“I’m sorry, I’ll be home as fast as I can, and I’ll make it up to you later.” I said, lowering my voice a little and hinting my intentions subtly.

“I know you will,” he said slightly grumpily, “I’m glad you’ve found a better fit for Gina’s though. Just, hurry.”

“I will.” I promised.

I dropped my phone from my ear, aiming for it to land in my handbag. It fell straight into the open bag at my feet, and I smiled smugly.

Megan Fields never misses. Apart from that one time, and that totally wasn’t my fault.

“Right,” I announced, grabbing my new managers attention as I placed the travel cups into a carrier and rounded the counter. “I’m off, you have my number if there are any issues, but I’d really prefer it if you didn’t call.”

Fergus grinned at me from the table he was wiping down.

“I’ll try not to.” he said in a rough Scottish accent. “See ya Boss.”

Yeah, the ladies of Westeroak were going to love this guy.

I tossed him a quick wave with my free hand and pushed open the door, headed to my car, and sped away from the lake.