Page 105 of Darling Melody

When I walked into the kitchen Anette was standing by the stove with a pan warming on the hob.

“Mr Knight.” she said, jumping slightly as though I’d startled her. “What can I do for you?”

“Erm, nothing Anette,” I said slowly. “I thought I’d told you all to take some time to yourselves, you didn’t have to start working again straight away.”

“You did, but this house won’t run itself, Especially not with all of you lot living here now.” she said, then clapped her hand to her mouth as she realised what she’d said. “Not that it’s a problem of course, you can have whoever you want here, and I’m more than happy to tend to you all, especially the injured one.” she said with a shy smile.Fucking Cooper, how was he able to make women turn into blushing puddles when he was in that state?

“Right,” I said. So, were they all seeing this house as mine now? “Well, I guess if you’re starting,” I nodded at the pan. “Then we’d all love some breakfast.”

“Pancakes?” she asked.

“Sure.” I shrugged. I didn’t really care, I just wanted to make sure that my girl was fed, and that her best friend was alright.

“I’ll take them up to Miss Fields, and serve the rest of you in the dining room, shall I make some for Mr Peterson?” she asked.

Who?Oh Cooper.

“Yeah, I don’t know if he’ll want them, but better not leave him out.” I said, then left her to it.

I walked into the room that had turned from make-shift bedroom to poorly equipped hospital without knocking. Toby was sitting on the chair I’d left beside the bed the previous night. Cooper was talking to him about Charon, and I paused before I moved any closer, wondering if I should just leave them to chat. They seemed to be bonding. Nutmeg would like that.Dammit, why can’t I be more like Toby.

“Adonis.” Cooper said when he noticed me hovering and gave me a small smile. “How’s the little ray of sunshine?”

Was he taking the piss out of me?I snarled at him before opening my mouth to speak, but Toby’s laughter cut me off.

“He’s not being a dick to you Don,” he said with another snort of laughter. “He’s talking about Meg. Fuck you’re so aggressive sometimes.”

Oh, yeah, the little nickname he has for her.

“She’s fine.” I said through gritted teeth, then forced myself to relax my jaw.Be more Toby.“How are you, Cooper? Do you want any breakfast?” I asked as nicely as I could manage.

He frowned at me and glanced at Toby. “What did youdoto him?” he asked.

“He’s a nice guy really.” Toby said and I tensed. I wasn’t sure I liked that statement now that I heard it out loud.

“No, not to most people.” Cooper disagreed. “It’s ok Adonis, I don’t really like your fake nice shit. I know you don’t hate me, so just go back to your usual grouchy arsehole self, please.”

I huffed then relaxed, letting my usual dark smirk fall to my lips. “Gladly.” I growled and the two men smiled back at me.

I’d barely lasted a minute, maybe I didn’t really want to be like Toby.


We pulled up outside The Hellhound and I scanned the street cautiously. I trusted Yvette as much as I was able to trust anyone, and I had Toby with me. But that didn’t mean I wasn’t still at high risk of an attack, even if it wasn’t from any of The Wolves.

Toby got out of his truck, but I hung back for a moment, calling out to him that I needed to make a quick call. I pulled up Nutmeg’s number on my phone and pressed call.

“I thought I told you to call meafter.”she said. “You must have only just got there.”

“I know, and I will. I actually need to speak to Cooper, can you put him on?” I asked.

“I’ll put you on speaker.” she said.

We had moved her back down to the room where Cooper was still stuck in bed and had hooked up a TV at the end of the bed and left them arguing over what to watch.

“What’s up buttercup?” Cooper said and I clenched my fists tight to not snap at his cheery greeting. It was nice that I didn’t have to try to be fake with him, but I really hoped I got used to his upbeat crap soon.

“I have a question for you.” I said.