Page 11 of Darling Melody

I bit my tongue. This girl was annoying as hell, and I cursed myself for the pull I felt towards her. It was a pull I’d have to ignore though; she may not have been fighting with me right now, but I could sense that it wouldn’t be long before she was. In her bad book I was probably sitting at the bottom, just a fraction higher than Lorenzo, maybe a little higher than Grey too, but I wasn’t too sure.

“Good morning love,” the waitress beamed as Meg pushed through the door and I followed in behind her.

Her eyes snapped to me and then back to Meg and she pouted, “You brought the wrong one, I asked for the cute blonde, not Mr Grumpy-pants.” she teased and winked at me.

“Morning Gina, I know I know, Mr Grumpy-pants was all I could get at such short notice, but he’s notcompletelyawful to look at, is he?” she joined in.

“I suppose not, if you’re in to dark and brooding. I prefer cheeky cheerful chaps.” Gina said and turned to fire up the coffee machine.

“Sorry, next time.” Nutmeg said as she looked around the café.

There were only a couple of people sitting inside, and I’d noticed that there was only one table occupied outside. She moved to go and sit in one of the booths that lined the wall, but I shook my head at her. I knew who Gina was related to, and although I doubted that she would listen in on our conversation, I couldn’t be sure.

“Can we get our breakfast to go?” I asked the woman as she poured two mugs of black coffee, apparently knowing both of our orders without being told.

“Sure thing love.” She nodded and switched our mugs for takeaway cups then disappeared into the kitchen.

Meg came to stand at my side and crossed her arms.

“Where are we going next then?” she said in a low voice that held a little too much disappointment.

I guess she liked this place, and probably craved the escape now that she was pretty much being held captive.Except for last night.

“Somewhere quiet.” I answered and looked down at her. In her heels she wasn’t too much shorter than me, now coming up to my shoulder, but the way she stood and slowly looked up to meet my eye radiated that big dick energy that would make a weaker man shrink to the size of a toddler.

She didn’t say a word, just held me in that intense stare. I couldn’t get a read on her expression, and it pissed me off. I loved reading her, annoying her by knowing exactly what she was thinking. Her lips parted a fraction, but gave nothing away. Was she about to argue? agree?

Neither. Instead she pressed her lips firmly together in a tight line and turned her attention to the kitchen door that was now swinging open to reveal Gina carrying a bag of food and placing it on the counter alongside our drinks.

“Thanks Gina, Mr Grumpy-pants is paying.”

I battled against rolling my eyes at their nickname for me, instead stepping forward and handing over a wad of notes and grabbing the bag of food. I walked towards the door and the sound of Meg huffing in frustration behind me over me leaving the drinks for her to retrieve sent a bubble of amusement through me.There she is.

She politely said her goodbyes to the waitress and followed me out of the café and along the path to the side of the lake. We fell into step with each other as we walked along towards the location I had in mind.

We emerged where the quiet bench sat looking out to the lake. My escape. If I was with anyone else, I would have found somewhere else – not that I’d go for coffee with anyone else -, but Meg already knew about this place, and her reaction to me being here before made me think that maybe, just maybe, she held the same connection to it that I do.

We sat down on opposite ends of the bench, and she placed our coffees between us. I unwrapped one of the baguettes that was in the bag.

“This one is mine.” I said and slid the bag over to her.

She glanced at my baguette and glowered at me, “No, that’s mine.”

“No, this is what I always have.” I said and nudged the bag closer to her.

She narrowed her eyes at me and ground her teeth audibly as she opened the bag. She pulled out the other baguette and unwrapped it. Her features softened and she murmured an apology before taking a large bite of her breakfast.

“I guess we have more in common than we thought.” I said quietly.

She hummed in agreement, “Same breakfast order, same spot to sit, same skill set, the only difference is that I’m better than you. In every way imaginable.” she said with a smirk that could have put mine to shame.

I refused to rise to her comment though, choosing to change the subject before we got into an argument too soon.

“Where did you go last night?” I asked.

“Nope, you need to explain what you meant earlier first.” she said while taking another huge bite of her baguette.

I sighed heavily. I’d regretted those words leaving my mouth the second they had, why had I told her I had to protect her friends? I hoped she might have forgotten about it and let me push my questions, but apparently my wishful thinking was wasted on her.