Page 108 of Darling Melody


Two weeks later

I climbed out of the bed, using the bedside table to take the majority of my weight. My crutch was laying on the floor halfway across the room and I cursed as I realised that I couldn’t reach it. Which one of my idiot guys had knocked it all the way over there?

“Oi, arseholes.” I called out and both of them appeared in the doorway.

“Yes?” They chimed together, and I scowled at them. I hated it when they did that.

“How the fuck am I supposed to get anywhere when my crutches are in the middle of the room?” I asked.

They looked guiltily between each other, then Toby grinned at me and walked across the room. His muscular frame looked temptingly edible in his shorts and tank and there was a slight gleam to his skin. Either he had been working out, or my guys were having some secret fun without me. Part of me hoped for the latter, but I had a feeling that would never happen.

Oh well, more attention for me.

He scooped me up in his arms and I shrieked in protest.

“Put me down.”

“Where do you want to go?” he asked.

“I was going to come down for lunch, but I can do it on my own, now put me down!” I shouted.

Don remained in the doorway, watching us with a dark look in his eyes.

Toby plopped me down on the bed then tossed my crutch towards me.

“You give in to her too easily fratello.” Don said.Fratello? What?

“She’s a strong, independent woman.” Toby said, failing at keeping a straight face. “I just want to see her tackle the stairs.”

“Me too.” Don said, and they hurried out of the bedroom, no doubt to grab some popcorn and wait at the bottom of the stairs for the show.

But little did they know that whenever they went out, I would sneak down the stairs to hang with Cooper. He was still mostly bedbound, apart from the few times that I convinced him to try to get into the wheelchair the guys had found for me, and yesterday when we had left the house to attend the intimate funeral that had been held for Clive.

Today was moving day for Coop though, and I was honestly a little sad about it. He would be moving into Yvette and Charon’s house. Apparently, he was sick of us after only two weeks. I couldn’t blame him really. Between all of the fighting - between me and Don -, and fucking, we barely did anything else. People call it a honeymoon period. I think.

I grabbed the crutches and pulled myself up. I hated relying on them, but I still couldn’t bare enough weight on my leg to get around on my own. Soon though. I’d pulled on one of Toby’s band tees and a pair of my own tiny gym shorts. We had taken up residence in Don’s room in the house. Toby had brought over a huge bag of his things, and I’d got Don to move all of my stuff from the wardrobe into here. I still couldn’t stomach going into Lorenzo’s room. In fact, I didn’t like being in the house at all. But Coop needed support, and we had nowhere else set up that was big enough for us all to move to.

Don planned on selling the house and I was firmly on board with the idea. Once Coop was settled and we had gone on the trip to Italy that we had promised Don’s aunt that we would take, we were moving. The guys had been going off to viewings all week while I stayed behind to ‘rest’, and on a couple of occasions I had invited Eden over. She loved the house and was gutted when she found out we weren’t staying. But she understood. She was turning out to be an extremely good friend. She had taken the events of the wedding in her stride and had even managed to walk away with a new friend. Freddie, the photographer I’d chosen for the big day. Sadly, he hadn’t managed to capture any of the chaos of the day, which I guess in some ways was a good thing. As happy as I was to be rid of Lorenzo, and Grey. I didn’t want to be reminded of some of the other losses. Although the pictures that he had taken outside before it had all begun had come out perfectly.

I got to the top of the stairs and found my guys sitting on the bottom step waiting expectantly.

“Fuck you, the pair of you.” I snapped.

“Later baby.” Don said in a low voice that sent an ache of desire though me.

I flipped him off awkwardly, then began my decent. When I reached the bottom step, they both looked disappointed.

“You’ve done that before, haven’t you?” Toby said and I gave him a secretive wink before sauntering,ok,hopping, off towards the dining room.

They followed me in, and Don placed a folder on the table in front of me.

“What’s this?” I asked as I reached across the table, past the folder, to the tray that had an assortment of fresh fruit on it.

I grabbed a small apple and bit into it. Anette would be in soon with whatever delightful dish she had thrown together for us, but I couldn’t wait.

“Open it.” Don said.