Page 101 of Darling Melody

“Dude, we haven’t had that whole ‘what are we’ chat yet.”


“I-.” I started just as Don walked through the door with four pillows.Shit, my guys really were rubbing off on each other.

“Later.” Toby mumbled, then placed a kiss to the back of my head.

Food arrived a short while later and we laid it out across the bed and devoured the meal. Coop stayed awake with us, refusing any food, but happily chatting about the day and what would come next. It had turned out that the man who I’d shot for attacking Yvette was a new Brother, he wasmyreplacement, some guy that had been sucking up to Lorenzo for years and finally got his ‘big break’ as he apparently kept calling it. *eye roll*

I slumped back against the headboard and puffed out my cheeks.

“That definitely filled a gap. Now I desperately need out of this dress, and I’d really like to go up to my own bed.” I said, then looked down at Coop who was half asleep. “No offence.”

He mumbled something about me being a bitch.

“You’ll need help.” Don said and ran his gaze down my body. “Are you going to be stubborn?”

“For once, no.” I said with a heavy sigh.

I knew what was good for me right now and trying to do anything that would hinder my recovery was not it.

I brushed my hand over Coopers hair and watched him drift off. Once I was sure he was fast asleep I looked between my guys and raised a brow.

“Who’s carrying me then?”

Don carried me up the stairs and into his bedroom even though Lorenzo’s room had the better shower and the bigger bed, we both knew it. I was thankful that he didn’t take me in there. I wasn’t sure I’d ever want to step foot in that room again.

Toby followed us up with a chair that he had grabbed from the dining room. Don sat me on the edge of his bed as Toby went into the bathroom and switched on the water. Don moved the remains of the skirt of my dress to one side to expose both of my legs and removed the holster wrapped around my uninjured leg. Doc must have taken the other one off when he went to work on my leg.

Toby poked his head around the door to let us know he was ready for me, and Don pulled a waterproof dressing from his pocket that I’d guessed Doc had given to him and layered it over the white bandage that was already wrapped around my leg before picking me back up.

He placed me down on the chair that Toby had set up just slightly under the spray and I leaned my head back as the warm water trickled down my body.

The water that fell to the shower floor began to turn pink as it washed the dried blood from me and began to reveal faint bruises scattering my arms and legs.

“Please get this off of me.” I whispered as I held back tears.

I wasn’t a big crier, I often did it once, then bottled everything back up. Recently I’d found that I was becoming more emotional, and I wasn’t sure if I liked it or not. The events of the day where whirling through my mind, and the overwhelming mix of feelings were too much to fight. I was so relieved, so ready for my new life, and so proud of everyone who had been at the church. But I was also feeling the sinking sense of loss, so many had died, when only one, maybe two, were supposed to.If I’d only given in and let them help at the start.

“Get it off of me.” I shrieked as tears spilled from my eyes and I lurched forwards, unable to breathe.

Something cold ran down my back and a moment later the bodice of my wedding dress bunched into a pile on my lap. I sat back upright and pushed it away from me as Don pulled on the rest of the fabric until it fell into a heap at my feet. I kicked at it with my good leg and shook as the tears continued to fall.

“And the rest.” I sobbed through ragged breaths.

“Careful.” I heard Toby say, but I could barely see through my tears.

“I know what I’m doing.” Don said, and then the cold press of something sharp pressed to my hip.

He was cutting everything off of me. I didn’t need to look at him to know that. I shuffled to tug the scrap of fabric that had been my panties from underneath me, then relaxed into the chair as Don’s fingers pinched the clasp of my bra and it fell into my lap.

Toby tossed it to one side then crouched before me, and looked up at my no doubt blotchy face that was probably covered in black streaks from my eye makeup.

“I’m sorry.” I choked and fell forwards so that my forehead was pushed to his.

“For what?” he whispered.

“For not letting you help me.” I said, then pulled away to look up.