Page 10 of Signature Of You

Exhaling a sigh, I dropped the pencil into my lap and stared out into the black space that expanded a few feet away from me. With there only being land for a few acres beyond the porch and no lights, other than the dim glow that shone through the glass square panels that made up the top half of the back door, you couldn’t see anything beyond the weathered porch.

There was just enough light behind me to see the pages of my notebook but not enough to illuminate anything else.

I was curious. Too fucking curious to make the right decision which was why seconds later I was closing my notebook and stepping through the back door.

I tossed it on the kitchen counter before bolting the door and climbing the stairs two at a time, passing my room to peek into Kaliq’s.

He was stretched out on the bed, with headphones over his ears, arms folded behind his head, looking like he was at peace. I hated to disturb the moment but also didn’t want to slip away without warning and for him to freak out not knowing where I was. That had happened too many times before and I refused to put that much weight on his shoulders.

“Ay?” I tapped his elbow which had his eyes popping open and a scowl in place while he paused whatever he was listening to.

“What’s up, Sol? Everything good?”

“Yeah, you good?”

“Yeah, why?”

“Just checking on you. I need to breathe for a minute. You gonna be alright if I step out?”

“Out? Where you going?”

Somewhere I have no business being.

“Just out. I can stay if…”

His face went tight and eyes that matched mine flickered with annoyance. “I told you to stop hovering. I’m cool. Go see whatever woman’s got your attention.”

“That ain’t where I’m heading.” I frowned knowing it was a lie but not liking how he read me so well.

“Yep, strap up, these country women are fertile as shit, from what I hear.”

He tapped his phone again and fell back into whatever groove he had been in before I interrupted. I decided to give him space and not hover like he’d asked, mostly because I had something else occupying my thoughts.

Grabbing my keys from the counter, I removed my phone from my pocket as I stepped out the front door, glancing at the time.

Two fifteen.

The Bottom closed at two thirty which meant if I hurried I could get there before she left. By the time I parked my Jeep, the parking lot in front of the building was damn near empty.

Only a scatter of cars remained which I assumed belonged to the people who worked there which had me second guessing. Not being from here put me at a disadvantage.

Sitting here in the dark of night at a bar, waiting to intrude on the time of a woman I didn’t know could easily cost me time in a cell. I couldn’t explain why I was here without sounding like a man with bad intentions.

I supposed that was what had my finger hovering above the push start to leave, until I saw her step out beneath the dim florescent light that hovered above the heavy wood door that served as the entrance to the bar.

She was smiling as she tossed long braids over her shoulder. Braids that had been piled high on her head earlier that evening, exposing a slim neck and toned shoulders.

I couldn’t help feeling jealous of the man who stood at her side, whatever he said had her throwing her head back and laughing so freely and unguarded that my jaw flexed in annoyance.

I didn’t know this woman, had no rights to her whatsoever, but the minute his arms locked her into a hug just before she stepped down off the curb, crossing the parking lot, I felt an uncontrollable urge to inflict bodily harm on the guy.


Something about her triggered that side of me and that wasn’t all too uncommon considering my entire life was one consequence after another, thanks to my impulsive side.

Yet another reason why I had no business being back here. She was everything I didn’t need, especially considering the trouble that was already transpiring in my life right now. Only I couldn’t help myself. I liked playing with fire.

The burn reminded me that I was still alive because there were days when I felt so cold inside that I needed the reminder. That need had me climbing out of my Jeep to walk right into the flames.