Page 69 of Signature Of You

The tips of his fingers applied the gentlest bit of pressure at the base of my skull just before he pulled me closer and his mouth crashed down on mine.

The way his tongue brushed along the seam of my lips, preparing, begging for entrance had me leaning in more and kissing him back.

I groaned into the pressure welding us together, enjoying the feel of his teeth nipping and biting down on my lip. When I felt myself getting lost in him, I reluctantly pulled away and my eyes fluttered back into focus.

“I can handle anything that threatens your happiness, Cadence. You don’t have to worry.”

“What if you’re what threatens my happiness?” My brow lifted.

“I’m the only person who you can trust to handleme.” He winked and I shook my head, turning toward the door. Once I pulled the handle and shoved it open I gave him my attention again.

“What time do I need to be ready?”

“Before lunch. I’ll send a car for you.”

“You’re not coming?”

He shook his head. “I can but I’m leaving my Jeep here since I’m flying back. Figured it might be better if they don’t see you leaving with me. Give us some time to make sense of things before they put it all together.”


I left him there and Val was waiting for me just beyond the door as soon as I stepped inside the kitchen. She didn’t say a word but I could feel the accusations.

“You called him not me.”

“I did.”

I moved past her, heading upstairs where I peeked in on Gracie who was tucked under her bright yellow comforter, snoring lightly.

Once I was in my room, I moved to the bed and sat on the foot. Val closed us in, propping her back against the door.

“Say whatever it is you need to say,” was how she started.

I grinned. “Who says I have anything to say.”

“Your face has no secrets, Cadee, and right now it’s screaming, she’s going to kill me.”

I lifted both hands and playfully tugged my cheeks and poked at my chin and forehead. “What’s my face saying now?”

“Cut the shit and just tell me.”

“Before you argue with me, let me start with I’m grown and am well aware of what I’m doing.” She kept quiet so I continued. “He’s leaving in the morning and he asked me to go with him.”

She still didn’t say anything,

“And I said yes because it seems like the best thing I can do right now.”

“I agree.” She paused when I arched a brow but added, “Kind of.”

“You agree?”

“I said kind of but yes, I agree. Those people out there aren’t going anywhere anytime soon. If you stay here, then they will harass not just you but Gracie too. It’s not fair to keep her locked in this little ass house totally disrupting her life. The man is a millionaire so he can make this a mini-vacation for you both.”

“And what about disrupting your life?”

“They don’t give a shit about me and the way I’ve been cursing them out all day, I really think they’re scared to approach me.”

I grinned, shaking my head. “You’re a mess.”