Page 50 of Signature Of You

I wasn’t sure what the fuck to believe. She’d never seemed interested in Sol. Not once did she let on that there was something more behind her motives than just wanting me. But maybe that was all a lie. Maybe that was a part of the game.

“Sol? Did you hear me? You think she knew it was you.”

“I don’t know.”

“But even if she did, you still want her, don’t you?”


“She was just something to do.”

“You think I’m going to believe that, Sol. The world knows Sol. I know you. There’s something different in you when it comes to her.”

I gave him a dark look before my eyes lowered to the phone again. Another video was playing. This time she was sitting on a stool, one leg propped on the bottom, the other on the floor.

The guitar was in her lap again and her head was low while she sang a melody that blended perfectly over the chords her fingers danced to create.

“What I want doesn’t matter.” I shoved the phone at him and when he didn’t take it, I dropped it on the counter and left the kitchen.

This time he didn’t follow, at least not right away. But after about half an hour of me laying across my bed, arms folded across my face blocking out the morning sun, Kaliq’s heavy footfalls and the creaking of the weathered wood beneath him had me growling out a warning.

“Not in the mood, Liq.”

“Too bad, Drew needs to talk to you,” he muttered, the irritation in his tone mirroring what was delivered in mine.


I knew he would be calling, I only hoped later and not before I had a chance to fully process the shit storm I had just landed in. I guess my luck wasn’t getting any better.

When I lifted my arm and found my brother standing over me, arm extended offering up his phone, I understood where the irritation was rooted.

“Tell him to hit my line.”

“He did. Phone’s dead.” He tossed his device on the bed next to me and left just as loudly as he came but not before barking another command. “Don’t be all day. I need my phone.”

I exhaled, lifted the phone to my ear after I sat up, and leaned over my knees, brushing a hand over my head. The softness of my curls was yet another reminder that I wasn’t myself.

Falling for Cadence, letting my guard down and allowing myself to feel something was the first fucking sign. I didn’t let people in. She was different. Or so I thought.


“Honor Monroe. How the fuck did that happen, Sol?”

“You know who she is?”

“I do know. Had to be prepared for whatever damage control I needed in place follow your latest fuck up.”

I cleared my throat and brushed a hand over my head several more times before pressing my elbows into my thighs.

“How is me spending time with her a fuck up, Drew?”

“Are you really asking me that? There’s so much got damn scandal attached to her name that all it can be is a fuck up. She’s bad news, Sol. Do you have the slightest clue who the kid is?”


Cadence wasn’t a kid. Younger than me sure but she was a grown ass woman, fucked like a grown ass woman and had her ownkid.

“She’s twenty-six, Drew. Not a kid.”