Page 42 of Signature Of You

As much as I didn’t care, I had to know what her problem was because she was important to Cadence. So when Kaliq slipped off his stool to head to the bathroom, I decided to at the very least find common ground.

“You want to tell me what I did?” She froze a few feet away from me, glancing over her bare shoulder before she fully turned my way.

I could see why she held my brother’s interest. He liked breasts and ass about as much as he liked pussy. In his opinion you couldn’t have one without the other.

“You’re a distraction and that’s the last thing Cadee needs. Especially one that likes to play more than he likes to stay.”

“And that’s what you think I like? To play?”

She arched a brow before leaning across the bar, settling her chin on the back of her hand while her elbow rested on the sleek surface. “On the surface, you’re not that bad of a guy. Rarely are you ever photographed with women. Only a handful that I can recall. Journee Lanier the most recent but like I said that’s just on the surface. Cadee didn’t want to read anything about you, she’s more of a show me versus tell me kinda girl but not me. I want it all, every single detail and then I make my decision because just like people can tell you anything, they can show you false likeness too. She’s just getting to a place where she’s herself again. The last thing she needs is you fucking that up. Nothing wrong with some good dick.” Her eyes traveled lower before meeting mine again. “I can imagine you have plenty of that but don’t give her the illusion that you can or want to be more than that because you and I both know that you won’t.”

She spoke her piece, smiling again as Kaliq returned from the bathroom. I turned my back to the bar and stared out into the crowd. The faces were just faces but they all had one thing in common.

They belonged here.

I didn’t. Felt it every second I stayed longer than I needed to, but unfortunately, I refused to leave. Regardless of the warning, I had already become just as protective over Cadence as Val was.

The minute she pushed through the doors that led to the back, I felt her. She felt me too because our eyes met at the same time, but hers didn’t linger for long. She was on the clock. I watched her making rounds, effortlessly smiling, making everyone she interacted with feel like they were her only priority.

I felt a tinge of jealousy because I knew what being hers felt like and didn’t like that they did too. I also didn’t miss that she kept checking in, curious to see if she held my attention.

She did and each time it was confirmed her eyes dropped and the muscles in her face tensed, showing signs that she hated how much she needed that feeling.

When she was finally heading my way, the anticipation of how this girl made me feel hardened every inch of my body.

Deliberately she tried to avoid acknowledging me but I wasn’t having that. When she cut a sharp left to make it around me, I caught her arm and forced her to the space between my legs.

“You don’t see me?”

“You know I do, but I’m working so…”

“So that means you can’t speak?” She clearly wasn’t interested in seeing me or at least that was what she wanted me to think.

Too bad, I can see right through it.

“Something wrong?”

“Nope, just busy, but you can see that.”


“I can’t fix it if I don’t know what I did wrong.”

Next to me, I felt my brother shift and turn enough to see who I was talking to. “Make him sweat it out for a little while. He fucking hates to be ignored.”

Cadence’s eyes shot over to him and he grinned, extending a hand. “Kaliq. The younger, morematurebrother.”

Those color changing eyes studied his face before taking his hand. “Cadence but everyone calls me Cadee.”

“Except me,” I cut in which had her posture straightening a little more as she pretended I hadn’t said a damn thing.

“Welcome to The Bottom, if you need anything let me know.”

She pushed away from us, ducking under the end of the bar. I watched while she filled four glasses from taps and six shot glasses with tequila she pulled from the shelf, finishing off the ensemble by adding two tall necks of imported beer.

After ducking under the bar again, she made rounds delivering to customers, even flirting with a few of the older ones who smiled in that way that was more loving versus offensive.

“What’d you do?”