Page 75 of Signature Of You

“We can talk about that later. Right now, we need to discuss Sheets. We need to get this resolved. He reached out. He’s willing to settle but wants a public apology.”

I scoffed at the thought of considering that but Drew continued, “I would never agree but he wants to talk numbers.”

“I’m not giving him shit. Set up a meeting. We can talk but it won’t be the conversation he’s expecting.”

Drew frowned at me. “What did I miss?”

“That muthafucker has been using Kaliq this entire time.”

“We already know that, but it really doesn’t matter. He put the story out there he wants everyone to believe and the world believes it.”

“He only gave part of the story and once he finds out he no longer has leverage he’ll back down.”

“Leverage for what?”

“The accident with my mom. Liq told me what happened.”


“He got his acceptance letter to NYU. That was a big deal for all of us. You know how bad he wanted it and she wanted it just as much. When he got the email, she wanted to see it. When he showed her the phone, she got distracted, lost control of the car, over corrected and…”

“Hit the median.” He finished the sentence because I couldn’t. Shit still hurt.

“But I don’t understand what that has to do with Sheets.”

“Liq had been going through it. Looking back it all makes sense now. It’s when he started using. At first we thought it was just dealing with the loss but it was more than that. He felt responsible. Sheets found out and held that shit over his head. Kept telling him that if it got out, I could be sued by the families who lost people because of the accident with civil suits and that he could be charged with manslaughter for the other people who died but more importantly our mother.”

“They couldn’t do that, at least not the manslaughter part.”

“He didn’t know that. He was a got damn kid, Drew, and Sheets used that against him.”

“Why didn’t he come to you or me, fuck?”

I understood why and Drew did too. I could see the understanding in his face before he muttered, “He felt responsible. Didn’t want you to hate him.”

I nodded.

“We’re ending this shit. Sheets can tell whoever he wants whatever he wants. I don’t give a damn. Let them sue me, I can afford it but if he’s smart, he’ll let it go. Liq has proof that Sheets is the one pushing drugs to Privilege artists. The pills and shit that almost killed Talia came from him.”

I was sure the label didn’t want to be attached to that any more than they wanted to be attached to all the other bullshit he’d been caught up in.

“I agree. Let me handle it. Once we get that settled then we deal with this new problem you just dumped in my lap.”

“She’s not a problem and you need to get that shit out of your head.” Anger surged through my veins. But again I understood where he stood and why.

“Maybe not for you, but she’s a problem for your career, Sol. Who’s the kid’s father? Did she tell you she was tied up with Dresden Malloy?”

“Yeah, she told me.”

“And that’s not an issue for you?”

“Her past is her past. Who the fuck am I to judge anybody’s actions, past or present?” I had an entire graveyard full of skeletons. I was no saint. Drugs, women, misplaced logic and intentions. I had been caught up too many times in my life to act like I had the right to place judgment on anyone.

“Let me deal with Sheets and get that wrapped up and then we’ll figure out what to do with her.”

I gave him a warning look and he held his hands up. “The situation has to be dealt with in the best way possible to keep things from getting out of control. You can’t afford another scandal, Sol. You’re not fucking invincible even though you think you are.”

I chuckled and tugged at my beard.