Page 8 of My Liar

Her moan drives me insane with need, and my dick throbs to be in her. Instead, I focus on her ass rubbing against me as I work my fingers inside her. “I can still feel it, the slick wetness of your pussy. For me.” My teeth nip at her skin, my willpower to not put my dick inside her diminishes by the second. But I resist. And focus on her. Touching her, stroking her, making her pussy feel good until her entire body goes rigid and her breath catches as she rides her orgasm out.

She lets out a satisfied sigh. “At least you’re good for something.”

“I’m good for everything.” I kiss her neck.

“Not for my nerves.” Her sarcasm is a little evident, but it seems like she’s sleepier and more content than anything. I’ll take that for sure. Though my dick aches for release, I hold her for as long as she’ll allow. Which isn’t long enough even though the bath water has gotten cool.

When she stands and wraps a towel around herself, I tell her, “I’m gonna take a quick shower.” For more than one reason. Not only do I still need to get the urge out, I want to shower since I didn’t after practice. And maybe I do need a second to breathe for myself because her allowing me to be with her like this scares me. It makes me want her like this all the time, which gives me false hope that it’s possible when it’s not.

Once I’m out of the shower, I wrap a towel around my waist and head into her room. I really need some clean clothes and didn’t think this venture through. But when I step through the doorway, I find her still wrapped in her towel, snuggled on her bed, sound asleep.

I pull the comforter over her, and she stirs a bit. I remove my towel and slip in behind her. She shifts a little before her back is against my chest, my arm around her. My lips kissing her shoulder as I close my eyes when she mutters, “Why are you still here?”

“Because I want to take care of you.”

I know she’s exhausted when she just sighs and says, “You should really find someone else to save. I’m good. He’s dead.”

“I’m not keeping you safe from anyone else. I’m trying to save you from yourself.”

“Good luck with that.”

She falls asleep promptly, and something tells me she didn’t get much rest last night. I didn’t either. But I have a feeling that even if I wasn’t completely exhausted, I’d still easily drift off right now anyways. Because she’s not telling me to take a hike and letting me snuggle her. But there’s always tomorrow. By that time, she’ll probably be refreshed and ready to spar. Hopefully, I’ll be up to it too. But tonight, I just can’t let her go.



Like I said, I really hate mornings. And particularly this one. Not because I’m tired, but solely for the reason that I slept so well. It wasn’t him. Nope. Even if it was… it’s not. Never. I’m just going to write it off as knowing that I was asleep soundly in the safety of my own bed, so I was able to rest without having a dream about being in that damn creepy-ass hospital. I think that place scared me more than the psycho in it. An eerie feeling washes over me for a few seconds, but I shrug it off. Maybe I was simply so tired I didn’t have any nightmares. Yeah. That sounds right to me. Whatever it was, it was not Cade sleeping beside me. He’s already all sappy and shit, the last thing he needs is to think I need him next to me to sleep.

“Morgan.” Topher breaks me out of my stupid conversation with myself as I turn to face him. “I said your name like three times.”

Apparently, he didn’t get me out of my head easily enough. “Okay. So what the fuck do you want?”

“I think Lenny’s up to something.”

I chuckle, “Yeah. I don’t think he’s up to much.”

“What do you mean?” Topher asks curiously.

“He’s a dumbass.” Especially since he’s dead.

“I’m not so sure. His messages have been really crazy.”

“Messages?” Dead dudes don’t send texts. “When did he message you? What did he say?”

“Some crazy shit about being careful who I trust. Most of them came in this morning after the fucker ignored me all day yesterday.”

“How do you even know it’s him?” It can’t be. But I can’t tell Topher that. I doubt he’d out us. But I don’t want to involve any more of these clowns than are already in the circus.

“Uh, because it’s his phone number.” He holds up his phone. “What do you think the last message means?” I read the final text, sent just ten minutes ago.Watch your back while I’m gone.

Topher grabs the phone from me, scrolling through the text thread. “Apparently, he had some big dramatic breakup with Ava and hauled ass out of town. Wish I could do the same.”

No, he doesn’t. “Nothing’s stopping you.”

“Yeah. A few things are.”

“Okay. Well, that’s great.” I keep playing it through my head. Lenny’s dead. I know he’s dead. We had his phone and got rid of it. “Wait, let me see that again.” I snatch Topher’s phone from his hand and look at the number, trying to memorize it. “Yeah, he’s probably not up to anything. Just wanting everyone to miss his stupid ass.” I grab my phone out. “Which no one will.”