Page 40 of My Liar

“No, really. I found something out. At least I think I know something.” She peeks over her shoulder to where Topher disappeared into the restroom. Savannah shoots us a strange look but she’s not paying us much attention since she’s too busy glancing around outside in the direction that Neil and his sourpuss bestie headed. But Ava has piqued my interest, much as I hate to admit it, especially when she adds, “I know I didn’t follow through on your last request, but I think this might be even better—or worse. Depends on how you look at it.”

“Just tell me.”

“When we were at my grandma’s birthday supper last night, my dad and uncle were talking shit to each other about the matchup tonight. My cousins attend so it’s their thing.” She hurriedly takes a breath as I nod for her to get to the point. “My dad said everyone is safe from your dad except the maid.”

“Okay.” I draw out the word, trying to figure out the connection.

Ava adds, “Didn’t Wendy quit years ago?”

“Yeah. She moved back home near family.”

“I looked her up on Facebook.”

“You’re stalking my old housekeeper now?”

“Look.” Ava shoves her phone at me. Gazing back is a recognizable face, albeit one I haven’t seen in years, so she looks different, but she has a kid in the picture too. And even though I’ve never met the kid, there’s something familiar staring back at me. Then it clicks. Her eyes. She has the same goddamn eyes as me. The eyes I got from my dad.

“It’s been like five years, right?”

Four and a half. She left in the middle of second semester when I was in seventh grade.

Ava reaches over, carefully swiping to a pic at a birthday party. “Her kid just turned four years old, Morgan.”

I get it. I understand even though I can’t wrap my head around it.

“If you need proof of your dad’s infidelity to show your mom, now you have it for sure. There’s no way that’s not your sister.”

My sister? No. I don’t want a sister. I can’t care about anyone else. My brother is all I have. But Ava is right. A child would definitely prove that Dad violated the terms of the prenup.

I glance to Ava who looks terrified and anxious even though I’m the one who just possibly discovered I have another sibling. The real shocking thing is how grateful I feel towards this bitch beside me. “Thank you.”

Her posture relaxes slightly as she says, “I just wanted to do something even though nothing will ever make up for what I did.”

“It’s a start.” I study the picture. I need proof. I already know it for certain, but I need concrete proof before I do anything with this vital information.



This is bullshit. All of it. The guys are pumped with exhilaration. There’s an excitement around the locker room as we wait to take the field, but I want to smash my head into a brick wall. Or just walk out of this place now. Because I know how the night will end. I don’t have a choice. And my father knew that when he made the deal.

“Crawford,” I hear one of the guys shout across the locker room. I look up and see him motioning to the doorway where Dustin stands. Great.

Walking past my brother, I don’t stop until we’re outside where no one can hear our discussion because I can guess what he’s here to talk about, and it’s not something that can be broadcasted.

“Cade, I’m sorry to put you in this spot,” Dustin starts, and I can’t control my fury as I yell at him.

“Youdidn’t. He did.” Dragging in a sharp breath, I try to simmer down my rage but instead just gawk at my brother, my fury too much. “No. You’re right. You did put me in this position. I told you he was a piece of shit, and you still choose him.”

“That’s not how it was.”

“You knew if he was at your place I wouldn’t be. You knew having him around meant I wouldn’t be. You picked him.”

Dustin folds his arms over his chest, his hand coming up to rub over his face before quickly grasping his arm again. “He’s our father, and I truly thought things would be different. And they will be. He will get help. He has no choice this time.”

“You can’t be that fucking naïve. That motherfucker has had a million fucking choices, and he’s always chose the wrong one. At our expense.”

All Dustin does is keeps a vigilant watch on me as he remains silent. Because he knows he can’t argue the fact—our father won’t ever change. So there’s no point in believing his bullshit promises.