Page 38 of My Liar

“There’s Neil.” Savannah grabs her bag and heads in his direction.

“That’s enough, you two. It’s almost time for the pep rally,” Principal Thatcher calls out across the gym in my direction.

I lift my head to look at the bastard. “It’s nothing they haven’t seen already, Thatch.”

Even from this distance, I see his uncomfortable, annoyed expression.

“Really, Morgan?” Cade utters. “You never told me the plan for him.”

“It’s already done.” Just not time for the reveal yet. I’d considered having Ava in on this one, but figured Thatcher might get a little paranoid, so I sent in some fresh bait to get it done. And she already has. It wasn’t hard to figure out that he’d be an easy target with the way he’s always paid extra attention to his female students.

Cade lets out a chuckle. “Should I be scared?”

Standing, I turn towards him, my hands on his knees as I lean in his face. “Not unless you cross me.”

“Then I’m good.” He closes the distance between us, his lips giving me a quick peck before he grabs his bag, stands up, then clasps my hand in his as we make our way down the bleachers. “I’m starving. Are we still walking over to the diner after the pep rally?”

“Yes.” A greasy burger sounds good. And I won’t pass up getting away from Saint Juliet for a little while, even if it’s just a few blocks down the road. At least it’s a break from this place until it’s time to cheer at the stupid game tonight.

Cade releases my hand and grabs his phone from his pocket. He stares at the screen for a few seconds, his face tight as he tells me, “I’ll be back in a minute.”

Jogging across the room and out of the gym, whatever that was didn’t seem to thrill him much. Kind of like how this pep rally is making me feel.



The bell has already signaled the student body to head to the gym. And since I’m going in the opposite direction, I’m having to shove my way through the hallway. As I fight against the current of students, some of which slap me on the shoulder with a hoot, the dumb asses can’t even pick up on the cues that I’m not celebrating with them or even give a fuck about the game. Right now, all I can think about is the message from Dustin.911. Come to my classroom.

We have the understanding that we don’t send each other shit like that unless things are bad. So, when I get to the doorway and find him peacefully sitting at his desk, I’m even more confused.

The classroom is empty as I step inside, and he motions for me to close the door behind me. “What’s wrong?”

“I need to talk to you. But I need you to sit down first.”

“Dustin, what the fuck is going on?” I don’t know what it can be because the worst thing he could tell me is something is wrong with him, and since he looks fine and calm, I know it’s not that.

“Just sit down.” He motions to the first desk, and that’s when movement catches my attention. My father. I’m still confused. But I feel trapped and duped. “Is this some kind of forgive-your-father intervention or some shit? Because it’s not going to happen. Ever.” I make sure to look at my dad when I say the last word.

“It’s not that.” Dustin noticeably shifts between me and the doorway. It might not be an intervention, but he wants to keep me here and knows I don’t want to be.

“Tell me why you used our emergency signal to get me here.”

“Cade,” Dad starts to speak and takes a step towards me as I point an angry glare on him. “I’m sorry.”

“All this for a useless apology?” I watch as Dad moves next to the desk in the back of the classroom, shifting to sit on the tabletop.

“I really need you to let me finish before you leave,” Dustin adds as I turn my focus to him.

“Then start fucking talking.” Because not knowing what the hell is happening is driving me insane.

Dustin gives me an apologetic look. “I need you to do me a favor. I need you to lose tonight.”

“What the fuck are you talking about?” I’m so fucking baffled. This is about football? Did Coach get to them?

Dad is the one who speaks up. “I made a bet. I was drinking. I didn’t know what I was saying. I was bragging about my brilliant son who’s a QB going to state. I kept losing, and betting everything, until I had nothing left. Then bet more. They were gonna slaughter me. Then I told them I could guarantee them an outcome of the game and get their money plus some back.”

“A fucking bet?” I yell as Dustin moves forward, his hands signaling me to quiet down.