Page 33 of Hauling Her In

“Love you, Daddy.”

“Love you too, baby. Let me know Jake’s decision on lunch.”

I walk him out and then hurry back inside to get ready for work. Blaire isn’t going to believe any of this!



Having lunch with Savannah’s dad doesn’t stress me as much as just walking into their country club does. I borrowed another shirt from my brother, even though I should have just forked over the dough to buy one of my own. I’d forgotten how much the too short sleeves bother me because before I’d opened the cuffs and rolled them up. Can’t do that here.

All around me, guys stroll by in brightly colored polo shirts with little emblems stitched on their chest, around where their heart is, and khaki shorts. And here I’m in long sleeves, pants, and boots. I stick out like a sore thumb.

Yet Jamison, as he insisted I call him, doesn’t blink an eye at what I’m wearing as he stands to shake my hand.

People stare and just as swiftly look away as we sit with him in the big dining area. My shoulders tense up, but I remind myself that I’m doing this for my princess so I can handle a thousand eyes on me if that’s what she wants.

And going by the bright smile stretching her pretty, pink lips, she’s firmly in her element. Both she and her father try to pull me into their conversation, and I make a few comments, but mostly I sit back and watch my princess.

An older man and his pudgy son come over and chat. I don’t like the way the son’s eyes crawl over Savannah. Reaching over, I thread my fingers with hers and pull our clasped hands over to rest on my thigh.

When they finally leave, I tug her closer and whisper, “old friend of yours?”

The unladylike snort that bursts from her has her dad’s head rocking back while I grin.

“Not even close,” she hisses back.

Satisfied, I keep her hand on my leg for the rest of the meal.

When it finally ends, I vow to spend as little of my time here as I can get away with. Preferably none.

On the drive over, Savannah raved over the pool.

I argued that the beach wasn’t that far and that I would be up for doing that some weekend.

Savannah shook her head. “And deal with wall-to-wall tourists? Nope. Not when I have a clean pool at my disposal and don’t have to worry about sand up my butt.”

“I don’t know. You seem to like stuff up your butt.”

She turned bright red and had shoved at my shoulder.

I plan to revisit that conversation on the way home. Not the butt stuff. Well, maybe tease her a little more. I love when she blushes. Mostly about planning a trip to the beach. Next weekend we’re having dinner at my Ma’s place so that’s out, but the following weekend is open.

Before time had stretched before me, bland and pretty dull. Now I see endless possibilities filled with trips and fun things we can do together. Even quiet evenings spent curled up on the couch are better when spent with her.

Her dad gives her a hug before turning to shake my hand again and then, thankfully, we leave. On the way out, I lean close and press a kiss to her neck, right in the spot I love. “That went pretty good.”

I let out a grunt when her sharp and pointy elbow digs into my side. “Good? That went great! I hope meeting your mom goes as well next week.”

“What? Ma already loves you. You have nothing to worry about.”

We pass the restrooms, and I let go of her hand. “Let me take a leak. Be right back.” I give her ass a pat as I go.

Coming out of the restroom, I’m still grinning like a fool when the word trashman hits me like a punch to the gut.

“Wait? He’s a trashman? Savannah, is he really?” The shrill voice is like nails on a chalkboard and makes me twitch.

“Oh, he really is. When they walked in, I thought he looked familiar. It took me all lunch before I could place him. He collects the trash in my neighborhood.” A second woman gushes in a too-loud voice.