Page 31 of Hauling Her In

“Well, Jake, if you could tell Savannah that I’m sorry and that I would love to have the two of you join me for lunch at the club tomorrow, I’d be grateful.”

Reaching up, I rub at the back of my neck. This wasn’t what I was expecting. Doesn’t mean it feels right, though. “No.”

His pale blue eyes flash wide for a moment before narrowing and I get the feeling Savannah’s daddy isn’t used to being told no. “Excuse me?”

I shake my head and grin. “Nah, you heard me. I’m not getting between the two of you. If you want to invite us, you can talk to her. Now I gotta run cause I’m late for work.” I walk a few steps and pause to toss a parting shot over my shoulder. “The trash waits for nobody. Good thing there are guys like me to take care of it. Just make sure your can is out for when I swing by later.”

That was petty as hell. I know that even while I swing up into my truck. But it had to be said.

Let’s see if Savannah’s daddy offers up that invite now that he knows a man with hard, dirty hands is touching his sweet little princess.

Cause she’s my princess now.



My phone alarm goes off at seven and right when I’m blearily heading into the bathroom, a heavy knock sounds on my door. Since my door can only be accessed by the stairway in the garage, that takes all the guesswork out of who is waiting on the other side.

“One minute,” I yell out, whirling around the room and grabbing random articles of clothes to toss on. My heart is pounding hard, and I have trouble buttoning my blouse.

It’s not that I’ve been avoiding my father, but.., yeah, I’ve been avoiding him. Normally we have dinner at least two times a week and sometimes lunch at the club on the weekends. I haven’t seen Daddy since that disastrous tennis match with the judge and his son two weeks ago. Guilt pulls at me every time I come home and see my dad’s Rover in the garage, but I use the excuse of seeing Jake to avoid a confrontation.

There’s zero chance he hasn’t noticed Jake’s truck parked outside the garage most nights, so I know he’s tired of waiting for me to say something.

It’s just, I’m not ready yet.

Part of me wants to keep what Jake and I have just between us. When we go places, we’re just two people having a good time. I worry about what daddy will think and I haven’t steeled myself to stand up to him when he tells me I can’t date a man like Jake.

Except now it looks like my time has run out. And ready or not, it’s time to convince my daddy that Jake is the man I want and I’m not going to let anyone’s opinion get in the way of that, even my own father’s.

Releasing a slow breath, I unlock the door and open it, trying to prepare myself for anything daddy throws my way.

Yet the sight that greets me is far from anything I could have imagined.

My tall and strong father stands on the threshold with sagging shoulders and apprehension wreathing every line in his sad face. In his hands, he has a tray with two tall coffees and a bag from our favorite bakery.

“May I come in?” he asks quietly.

My father is not a man to ask, nor one to wait. Yet here he stands, waiting patiently.

Moisture floods my eyes, and a cry breaks apart in my throat. I throw myself at my father and he lifts the coffee out of the way before they shower down on both of us as I wrap my arms around his still trim waist.

My hands are just locking around his middle when his arms encircle me and hold me close. He rubs his smooth cheek against my hair, and I hear the smile in his voice when he says, “I missed you too, Baby.”

Daddy hasn’t called me that in ages and just like that, the tears I’ve been holding back flow.

I’m a grown woman and I do want and treasure my independence, but right or wrong, I’m a daddy’s girl at heart and that will always be the case. The idea of disappointing my father or clashing with him over my choice in men caused dread to sink in my stomach like a stone, yet for Jake I would, because even if Daddy can’t see it, Jake is so worth it.

Releasing my father, I step back and wipe at my damp cheeks. “Missed you too, Daddy.”

He holds up the white bakery bag, giving it a teasing little shake. “I brought eclairs.”

I burst out laughing. “You’re dreadful!”

Daddy swoops down and plants a kiss on my forehead. “I know. Let’s eat.”

It’s my apartment, but he leads the way into the kitchen, placing everything on the small round table in the tiny dining area just off from the kitchen. I get some plates and napkins and then join him.