Page 9 of Hauling Her In

“Afraid I’m using a fake ID?” She passes her stick back and forth between her hands, giving an innocent look as she blinks up at me.

Holy hell, I didn’t think she would be that young! And I was panting after her like a pervert.

Her laughter draws a few looks and I whip my head around, staring down the guys at the other pool tables.

“OMG! Your face!” she says once she finally stops laughing. “I’m twenty-four. Definitely legal.”

The pounding in my chest calms down some, but she’s still young.

“What about you?”

Warily, I eye her. “What about me?”

Those blue-blue eyes of hers roll. “How old are you?”


Savannah’s lips part and for once, she’s speechless.

Shit. I’m too old for her. Just as quickly as that thought comes is the realization that the burning in my gut is disappointment. I don’t want to be too old, too jaded, too anything for her. For once in my life, I want to be fine just the way I am.

After a few moments when she still hasn’t said anything, I spit out, “Yeah, I’m old. Now, are you gonna finish this game or what?”

“I thought you were in your twenties. You look good.”

My head whips around at that. The pink on her cheeks is back, as is something else in her gaze that I can’t figure out. When her eyes roam over my face and linger on my mouth, it hits me. She wants me. Maybe not as much as I want her, but the attraction is definitely there.

The question is, what are we gonna do about it?



We take a short break, and the girls switch from beer to shots. I wince, watching them down a few. I’m still nursing my second beer. Since I’ve been off probation, I can drink as much as I like. But any more than two I prefer to do in the comfort of my place, safer that way.

Tom got royally whipped in his games with Blaire, so at least I’m in good company. I can’t keep the admiration out of my voice when I tease, “I think you girls are hustling us.”

Savannah’s tongue swipes along the rim of the shot glass and all I can think about is where on me I’d like that tongue licking.

“This is for money? I thought it was just for fun.” With a giggle, she deposits her empty glass on a nearby table. “How much do you guys owe us?”

Blaire starts counting on her fingers and lets out a husky laugh. “Maybe we should just count it even with all the drinks they bought us.”

“An excellent idea!” Tom interjects. “And why don’t you ladies take pity on us, and we shoot a few rounds of darts instead?”

Blaire and Savannah exchange looks, and I can’t help grinning. I got a feeling they’re just as good at darts as they are at pool.

After two rounds, my hunch is confirmed.

Taking pity on us, Savannah suggests we switch to around the world darts and that does take the edge off some. Now we’re merely losing vs being slaughtered. It’s all in good fun and honestly, I don’t remember the last time I enjoyed a night out as much.

Blaire’s taking aim with all the precision of a surgeon when some crazy pop song blares. The little redhead’s face goes almost as red as her hair while she digs a blinged out phone from her back pocket. With as tight as her jeans are, I’m shocked there was room for that big iPhone in there.

She hands her darts to Savannah while she walks a little off from our area to take her call. Without missing a beat, Savannah throws the three darts, rapid-fire and seemingly without aim, one right after the other. And all three sink into their intended targets.

“Fuck me,” Tom breathes, grabbing at his beer and taking a healthy gulp before walking up for his turn.

Savannah comes and stands next to me. She’s so close the smell of her sweet perfume reaches my nose and has me fighting back the urge to get even closer. I got a feeling every inch of her would taste sweet on my tongue.