Page 5 of Hauling Her In

“I can handle myself.” My father chuckles. “Besides, with the icy glare John was giving his son and the fact that I know the judge is bankrolling Grant’s lifestyle, I think he’ll be a much more socially acceptable young man going forward this evening.”

I keep my opinion of that to myself and feel zero guilt when I leave after barely touching my glass of white wine.

In my car I waste no time putting in a call to Blaire, hoping she’s available.

“OMG you will not believe the night I just had!” I burst out the moment she answers.

“Uh oh, should I have a test ready for you in a week?” Blaire teases.

My groan carries in the silence of the car, and I know she heard it. “Definitely not that type of night.” I quickly relay the meeting with Grant and his father.

My bestie laughs her butt off and at the end she’s gasping for breath. “So, I shouldn’t go out shopping for a wedding gift? Oh pooh.”

“Don’t joke! Before the match started, I think Daddy was hearing wedding bells.”

“For such a smart guy, your dad can be so obtuse.”

I don’t disagree and Blaire continues, “Okay, listen, this clearly calls for some real fun. Tomorrow you and I are going out and we’re gonna cut loose. There’s this bar I’ve been hearing about and have been dying to try. Trust me, nobody we know will be there, it’s a real back woods place.”

“You want to go slumming? Blaire, you snob!” I laugh.

“Hey, I never said that.” She giggles. “But yeah. Wear jeans and boots and I’d leave the jewelry at home. We want to fit in and maybe get into a little trouble.”

My teeth sink into my lower lip, and I gnaw on it for a bit. I’ve never been to the type of place she’s alluding to. This could be a lot of fun, or a total disaster. Either way, I’m in.



Lining up my shot, about to sink the black 8-Ball and smoothly win this game, a bit of pink catches my eye and my gut clenches. Somehow that color is now attached to the memory of that sweet little rich girl who chased after me the other day. A tempting memory of her full breasts rises swiftly in my head, threatening to raise something else as well.

And holy fuck, it’s her!

My arm jerks and the stick rams into the cue ball, sending it bouncing off the side, missing the 8-Ball completely, and shooting straight into the corner pocket, costing me the game.

I ignore it and the loud chortle coming from Tom. I can’t take my eyes off the vision walking in all sexy in jeans that are painted on and a slinky pink t-shirt that cups her breasts in a way that should be illegal. Her blonde hair is a sleek ribbon of curls that makes my fingers itch to make them messy. I can practically feel their silky length twined around my fist.

Beside her is a woman that could be her twin, only with bright red hair and a green t-shirt. I don’t know where the hell these pampered princesses think they are, but they have no business being in a dive like this.

They scream trouble and going by the looks they’re getting; trouble is what they’re gonna get.

Tom racks up the balls while I stand around like a numbnuts watching the girls stride up to the bar like they own it. The area around them quickly fills in, with guys shoving to get a spot next to them.

“You breaking?”


A rough slap to the back of my arm pulls my eyes back to my friend. “What?” I snap.

“We gonna play or you gonna stand there with your thumb up your ass all night?”

“Shut up and take your shot.” I grab my bottle of beer and take a swig while Tom shrugs and breaks, sinking two balls. He tosses a shit-eating grin over his shoulder, and I flash him the finger before leaning off to the side and letting my gaze sweep across the bar again.

A frown pulls my mouth down. They’re gone. A bit of dread slinks down my spine as my eyes race around the room. Then I spot them across the way playing darts.

Just like that, my concentration is shot, and Tom wins the game easily. And the next one when I notice the blonde heading back to the bar.

“At this rate, you’ll be paying for my boat.”