Page 36 of Hauling Her In

I might never feel like I deserve this happiness, but I’m gonna live each day with a heart full of thankfulness and a smile on my face.

“Daddy, let’s go!” Bridget huffs, unbuckling her seat belt and helping her two younger sisters out of their car seats.

“What’s your hurry, pumpkin?” I ask, unclipping my belt and unlocking the SUV’s doors.

“Our lessons,” Caroline says, grabbing my hand as I help her down out of the high vehicle.

Jennifer, the youngest at five, giggles and holds out her arms. I grab her and swing her around before lowering her to the ground and pressing a kiss to her fine and silky white-blonde hair.

Somehow, all three of the girls came out with nearly silver, white-blonde hair. Bridget, the oldest at eight, her hair has slowly been turning darker each year, but come summer between tennis and the pool it gets streaked with blonde highlights.

I grab their racket cases out of the trunk and in we go through the club’s double doors to find their tennis instructor and start their lessons.

Back in the day if anyone had told me I would have a house ruled by a gaggle of girls and every day would be a whirlwind of pink, dolls, glitter, and princess dresses, I would have laughed my ass off and asked them to share whatever they had been drinking.

Now, I couldn’t imagine any life but this one. Sure, some of the other parents at the private school the girls attend might snicker or look down their noses at me because of my job, but screw them all. Nobody’s opinion matters but that of my princess and my three girls.

Okay, and my ma. But she’s thrilled to pieces. Like I told Savannah, my ma loved her before she ever met her and after she met her, she would have tossed me out if I’d dared let Savannah go. Ma even went ring shopping with me.

Her ring isn’t the huge chunks of ice some of the women at the club have weighing down their fingers, but the smile Savannah gave me when I asked her and placed it on her finger told me clearly that in her eyes it was perfect.

After Ms. Sinclair has claimed the girls and marched them off to the courts, I pull my phone from my pocket and send my princess a message while dutifully following after them.

I’m about to go through the door leading to the court area when a small hand grabs my arm.

“Hey there, stranger,” Savannah purrs, grinning up at me and hauling me down for a kiss.

The summer months are a crazy time for fundraising and Savannah has been running ragged lately. Both her and Blaire. I feel bad for Leland dealing with those two, especially when they were both pregnant at the same time their last two pregnancies. Dealing with one hormonal female was hard.


No thanks!

He’s a better man than me and takes it in stride, always with a smile on his face.

Wrapping my arms around my beautiful wife, I close my eyes and savor the sweetness of her lips.

“Surprise, surprise,” I murmur. “What are you doing here?”

“Leland chased me out and told me to spend some time with my family. I thought that was good advice, so here I am.”

Linking fingers, we walk out the door and go stand and watch Ms. Sinclair running through drills with the girls.

“Caroline’s swing has got some power behind it,” I comment, pride humming through me as I watch my middle girl smashing the ball.

Savannah’s fingers run up my arm, teasing at my neck. “Daddy said he’d come get the girls after their lesson and keep them for a while.”

Turning my head, I capture her hand and kiss her fingers. “Did he now?”

She glides her fingers along my parted lips. “Mmmm….”

I smile and flick out my tongue to lick across her soft fingertips. “I wonder what we could do with this unexpected child-free time?”

Coming closer, Savannah slides her free hand between our bodies, cupping at my crotch and giving my hardening cock a gentle squeeze. “I wonder.”

A small groan escapes me, and I grab her shoulders, leaning down to whisper in her ear. “Go tell the girls that Grandpa’s coming to get them and then get your sexy ass back over here.”

With a laugh, she does.

I watch her go and it hits me once again, how damn lucky I am that she didn’t just toss that trash away at work, but instead chased down my truck. I might have hauled her trash, but she overhauled my heart.

Call it fate, or destiny, but somehow we work.

And I plan on us making it work for the rest of our lives. How could I not, with a woman as amazing as my princess.

Savannah runs back over to me. We wave goodbye to our girls and walk out hand in hand, looking forward to some good and dirty fun.