Page 23 of Hauling Her In

I grab him a bagel from the kitchen while he pulls on his socks and shoes and walk him down the stairs. Daddy’s Rover isn’t in his designated spot, so he never came home last night.

Worry flares through me. I don’t keep tabs on my father, but it’s not like him staying out all night.

Pushing my concern aside for the moment, I hand Jake the bagel. The way his eyes light up, you’d think I handed him something precious.

“Thanks, princess.” He gives me another kiss and then climbs into his truck.

Watching him go down the driveway, I remember the closed gate and dash into the garage. Grabbing Daddy’s spare remote, I press it and pray that it works from this distance. No horn sounds and Jake doesn’t return, so it must.

My steps are light as I hurry upstairs and hop back in bed. A peek at my phone shows it only a quarter after five in the morning. I don’t need to be at work until eight.

Snuggling under the covers, I roll over to the side Jake slept on and bury my face in his pillow, huffing the delicious scent of him.


I’m barely through the door when Blaire is charging at me, the skirt of her dress, that is an identical copy to the one I’m wearing only in lavender, fluttering out behind her. “Vanna!”


Her slim arms wrap around me in a tight hug. The way she’s acting you’d think we hadn’t seen each other in years, not just two days ago. She drags me over to my desk.

“That’s one sharp dress by the way.” She tips me a wink and all but shoves me into my seat. “But now on to more important things. How was your date? Details! I need them!”

Glancing around the office area, making certain Leland isn’t anywhere around, I grin when I see no sign of the director. “He left my place this morning.”

Her green eyes go wide, and she squeals. “OMG! So how was he?”

Blaire is the only one I would ever kiss and tell with, so I have no qualms telling my bestie, “There’s no words for how amazing it was.”

“I knew you two had mad chemistry between you! So when are you going to see him again?”

Despite how amazingly hot last night was, we didn’t actually talk about expectations for going forward. As in, are we now a couple? Or is this a casual thing? If anything, I’m left with more questions than answers.

Trying to act nonchalant about the whole thing, I shrug. “He had to leave early this morning for work, so we didn’t get to talk about that.”

“Oh…” Blaire twines a long lock of red hair around her finger. “But you want to see him again, right?”

Wetting my lips, I nod. “Of course. It’s just that I’m the one that called him and asked him to dinner, so now I need him to make the next move.”

“That makes sense.” Then she brightens. “So, where did you two go?”

“King’s Steakhouse.”

Blaire’s eyes light up and she does a little shimmy. “Yum! I love that place. Their cheesecake is amazing. Did you get any?”

I busy myself with turning on the computer and shuffling around a few bright green memos on my desk. “Nah, wasn’t in the mood.”

She laughs. “You not in the mood for cheesecake?” She plants her fists on her hips. “Don’t tell me you’re dieting! You’re perfect.”

“No, I’m not dieting.” I bite my lip for a moment and then ask, “Have you ever dated a regular guy before?”

Red brows shoot up her pale forehead. “Regular as in, not weird? I think they were all a tad odd.” Her laughter echoes through the office. “Probably why I liked them.”

“You liked them because they were gorgeous.”

Smirking, she sits down on the edge of the desk. “Naturally.”

Letting out a sigh, I’m so thankful I have someone to talk about this with. “Not regular as in normal, but as in a blue-collar worker, a guy that works with his hands and doesn’t come from money.”