Page 9 of Devious Roses

“I had found out what was happening and threatened to expose them. I used to attend the galas just like you did that night. But when I refused to be silenced, they made me a part of it.Me, the granddaughter of Clive Newton, one of the richest men in the state. That’s how beholden their members were to the club. My grandfather chose it over me. He gave me up.”

I have no words. For a drawn out moment, I’m only able to sit and stew on the horror of what Sasha’s saying.

Throughout my upbringing, I had been surrounded by many of the Neptune’s Society members. I hadn’t the faintest clue what was going on behind the scenes. Dad usually provided a wide buffer, continuing to do so well into my adulthood.

It seems Sasha’s experience couldn’t be more different. Staring at her becomes a moment of looking into a mirror with a darker reflection. The alternate reality of what could’ve become my life had I not had so many layers of protection.

“You were held captive by the Neptune Society,” I repeat against a sore ache in my throat.

She tugs at the fray in her jeans, nodding. “It’s been very hard getting my life back together. When the Mill was destroyed, I didn’t know where to go. I was afraid to return to Lunsbury, return to my f-family. They disowned me and locked me out of all my old accounts. I’ve been living in Northam, waitressing. I have a crappy studio I can barely afford. Me, anheiress.”

“How can I help?”

“You… you know what it’s like. You were taken too.”

I shudder as my insides run cold. The shaky feeling seizing me is comparable to missing a step on the stairs. It’s instant panic you’re about to fall.

And I am about to fall.

Right down a black hole of very bad memories I rarely think about.

I swallow against the tight feeling in my throat and force myself back from the ledge. I make myself return to the present, where I can pick up where I left off, where I can be myself again. The confident, self-assured Delphine Adams who is a successful private practice attorney.

Though my struggle must show on my face, because Sasha frowns. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to upset you—”

“I’m fine,” I interrupt. “I should clarify, Ms. Newton. I was taken… but I escaped. I spent only a few days in that…place. I’m sure my plight was nothing compared to yours. Please go on and tell me more about it.”

“Right. I, um, I was made to… do things. At the Mill. But that was after I threatened to expose them.” She drops her voice into a whisper, a sudden wave of shame passing over her as she bows her head. “It wasn’t the first time. The first time I was taken advantage of… it was when I was younger.”

It dawns on me where this is headed, and who she’s likely suffered at the hands of.

“Mayor Bernstein took a liking to me.”

She can’t go on. She develops a look about her that I suspect I just had. It’s bottled up pain and trauma that threatens to overtake her.

Bernstein’s vile indiscretions in the Neptune Society club have long been public. The district attorney’s office is still investigating the myriad of allegations lodged against him. He can’t even show his face around the city without being pelted by garbage from angry citizens.

“I don’t understand, Ms. Newton. Have you attempted to pursue the matter through the charges the DA is bringing up against him? The last I checked, there are more than nine victims that have come forward.”

Tears wet her eyes. “They won’t help me. I don’t know if it’s out of loyalty to my family, or if they don’t think I fit the profile.”

A wave of determination surfs through me. It’s my resolve to set things right. There was a time in the past I would’ve let it drive me into a pit of darkness, where I did things that were twisted and violent. I forced retribution by any means necessary. It tainted my soul and ultimately wasn’t good for me.

These days, I’ve tried to do things the right way. The good and lawful way.

Within the confines of the established legal system. I’ve had many successes. I’ll have to do so again, in order to get justice for Sasha. To hopefully relieve the pain reflected in her tearful eyes.

I reach out and cover her hand with mine. “We’ll file a civil case against him. He won’t face any criminal charges for what he did to you… but we sure as hell can take him to the cleaners. You deserve every penny in his bank account. I’ll do everything in my power to make sure he’s held accountable.”

The beginnings of a hopeful smile twitch at her lips. “Thank you, Ms. Adams. I’ve visited many other attorneys. No one would help me.”

“Call me Delphine. We’ll get to work right away.”

Sasha Newton leaves soon after we make arrangements for another meeting. I have Cirie collect the rest of her details and lock her into my calendar before we exchange goodbyes.

Medjine emerges from her office sipping coffee from a mug. Today’s fashions include a figure-flattering houndstooth pantsuit and golden chiffon blouse with matching heels. “Did I hear that correctly?AnotherBernstein victim?”

“Something tells me there are dozens more out there.”