Page 3 of Big Poppa

AS THE NIGHT CONTINUES, the music and dancing picks up. I watch Cheyanne hit the dance floor with Jordyn and a group of friends, her thick curvy body moving in rhythm with the music. I can’t help but imagine how it feels to have her in my arms, moving against me in the same seductive way. I shake my head, trying to rid myself of the thought. I’m too old for her, and besides, she’s David’s daughter.

But the more I try to push those incendiary thoughts away, the more persistent they become. Heat rises in my cheeks as I imagine pressing my lips against her soft toffee colored skin. Exploring her body with my hands everywhere she’ll allow. I down my champagne, hoping to numb the arousal, but it only heightens the thirst. Suddenly, Cheyanne breaks away from the group and makes her way to our table. My heart races as she approaches.

“Hey,UncleAdrian,” she sings, teasing me. I cringe at the worduncle. When Cheyanne was thirteen, calling me uncle filled me with a sense of pride. Now it makes me flinch. “I just came over to say hi.” She leans in and gives me a sweet peck on the cheek. My throat tightens. “I’m singing for the newlyweds in a few minutes,” she gushes. “Wish me luck?”

“Good luck, Chy. Can’t wait to hear you.”

David stands beaming, his dark mahogany skin gathering at the corners of his mouth.

“You and Chantelle looked so beautiful walking down the aisle.” He says, giving his daughter a poppa-bear hug and lifting her a few inches off the ground.

“Thank you, Daddy,” Cheyanne says, as David releases her. “I’ll tell Chantelle how good you thought we looked.”

“Tell your sister I said she is beautifulallthe time, not just today.”

“Yes, sir,” Cheyanne says, turning to leave.

David cast me a knowing glance as he slides back into his seat. Cheyanne having a younger sister who lacked the same star power was hard on the girls and David as they grew up. Cheyanne always included Chantelle as much as possible, and they stayed close no matter what. But too many times over the years, David would confide in me about how Cheyanne’s popularity always overshadowed everything Chantelle ever wanted or tried to do. It was hard on him as a parent watching one of his kids’ successes cause the other so much doubt and pain. I raise my glass to him.

“Best dad ever,” I say.

He raises his in return. “Takes one to know one.”

I watch Cheyanne walk away, her hips swaying tantalizingly. My mind races with forbidden thoughts, my cock twitching in response. I take a deep breath, trying to calm myself down. Cheyanne takes her place at the microphone. She sings, her voice rich and soulful, filling the room with warmth, joy and a tinge of sexiness I can’t get over.

I struggle to process what this is, what it means, and how to leave it all here in this ballroom. Tears prickle at the corners of my eyes as I listen to her, overwhelmed by the beauty and stunning agony as she serenades the room. As the song ends, the crowd erupts in applause, and I’m filled with regret. Regret that I can’t have her. I can’t touch her. I can’t show her the depth of my feelings. I down another glass of champagne, trying to numb my agony.

Sexy. Intoxicating. Forbidden.

How the fuck can anyone have the hots for their best friend’s daughter?

Chapter Two


Itake a moment toappreciate the beauty. The colors blend seamlessly as the day turns into night. It’s a welcome respite from the hectic schedule that comes with being a pop star.