“My ankle, I think I twisted it.” Her voice is a mix of sugar and seduction, dipped in a soft honeyed twang.

Oh right, she fell.

“What do we do, Zane?” Chloe cries out beside us reminding me she’s also here with us. She’s freaking out and honestly she has every right to. From here we can’t tell how bad this is.

A car door slams shut, and the driver comes rushing over to where Chloe and I are kneeled down beside Avery. “Should I call an ambulance?” he asks, his eyes bloodshot and worried.

I look up at him and shake my head. “Can you grab all their bags and take them up to the front porch please? Then you’re free to be on your way I got this” The driver nods moving to the trunk. “Chloe sweetie, can you open the front door and get an ice pack and the first aid kit from the downstairs bathroom?”

Chloe nods and without responding, and sprints toward the house. I almost want to berate her for running when just a second ago her best friend tripped on the slippery ice.

“Why don’t you just grab a snowball and ice me up, this shit’s fucking cold.” I look down at Avery, who clenches her teeth in pain, sarcasm staining her red lips.

A hint of a smile creeps along my lips. “This one’s funny Chlo, glad you brought her along. Fuck,” I whisper into the air, cursing myself for what I’m about to do. Without waiting for another snarky response, I tuck my hands under Avery’s body, one on her lower back and the other under her knees, hauling her up into my arms as I stand.

“What the fuck do you think you’re doing?” she snaps back, trying to wiggle out of my hold.

“Stay fucking still unless you want me to drop you on your ass again sweetheart,” I sneer, already pissed I have an unwanted visitor, now to make matters worse one with a serious attitude problem. And a fuckable mouth.

Avery meets my glare with one just as sharp.

The girl is seriously breathtaking. She’s nearly weightless in my arms, her small petite figure curving perfectly against my chest although she’s trying her hardest to act unaffected.

“Put me downold man,” she snickers, curling her lip up in anger. She wiggles in my hold and my hand instinctively lowers to her ass trying to keep her in place. Her body goes stiff as my fingertips press lightly into her ass.

“Careful little girl.”

She scoffs, “Bet you’re enjoying yourself aren’t you. Will you be getting off tonight at the thought of your hand slipping lower and copping a feel you perv?”

This girl has to be fucking kidding me. I’m tempted to drop her, make her walk on her own broken foot, or bend her over my knee and show her just how tightly my hand can grip her ass. She’s got a smart mouth, dirty sure, but that’s exactly how I like it. I can definitely teach her a lesson or two she’ll never forget, though I decide against giving her something she will enjoy.

Instead, I smirk at her, my tongue sneaking out to wet my lips. She bites hers in response as her eyes drift down to my mouth and then back up to meet my stare. “No need to fake an injury to get me to put my hands on you sweetheart, I would have done it if you’d asked nicely.”

With that last comment I set her down on her feet and take two steps before I hear her groan in pain once again. I know I’m playing with fire daring to speak this way to Chloe’s best friend, but the fucking brat has pushed my buttons claiming it was me who planned this entire scheme to get my hands on her.

As if I need to trick her into it.

I’m no arrogant asshole but I know I’m good looking. I’d even go as far as saying I’m above average. Thanks to my mother’s Italian genes I’m naturally tanned, dark-haired and perfectly sculpted like a Roman God with a sharp jawline and chiseled muscles. Though my eyes are a stark green thanks to my father’s Scandinavian heritage, which also gives me my tall stature and broad muscular physique. I’m built like a Viking, yet my face looks more like a romance hero or a mafia prince. Especially with the current layer of dark scruff covering my jaw.

At least those are a few of the things I’ve heard in the past from the women I’ve briefly dated. And by dated I mean fucked. I’m not one for monogamy. Tried it once, and it ended horribly wrong when she decided she was as interested in fucking her driver as she was her husband. Not making that mistake twice.

“Fuck, okay,” Avery squeals from behind me struggling to hop on one foot. “I’m sorry I said that, it’s just…” She pauses when I turn and head toward her. Her gaze remains on the floor at her feet refusing to meet my heated gaze.

“Just what?” I ask reaching out to grip her chin and lift her face up to look at me.

Big. Fucking. Mistake.

I release her turning back toward the house to make sure Chloe isn’t watching whatever’s happening between her best friend and me.

Avery continues, finding the courage to speak when my back is to her. “I’m not used to men putting their hands on me harmlessly.” I turn back abruptly and glare back at her. Her eyes widen in panic and I know my rage is blatantly obvious. “Fuck, not like that either. Usually guys who are nice and shit, want something in return.”

A soft blush creeps over her lightly freckled cheeks, and it’s frankly the hottest shit I’ve ever seen. A girl who just seconds ago was ready to rip me a new one for touching her like some “sick old perv” is now blushing before me, unable to meet my gaze.

“Trust me sweetheart,” I say as I reach back to her, throwing that damn word around again, and hauling her into my arms once more. I daringly bring my mouth just a mere inch from hers, inhaling the subtle scent of vanilla and spearmint coming from her slightly open lips. I’ll probably regret my next words but I need to say them aloud. Not only to make them clear but to make sure I believe them myself. “There’s nothing you can offer to appease a man like me. You’re a child and I’m a grown ass man. My likes and needs are so far out of your league little girl.”

There is a flicker of shock in her eyes at my forwardness but it’s quickly replaced by something mirroring defiance. She pops a brow up like a fucking brat and my palm twitches in response, aching to yet again slip a little lower. “We’ll see about thatold man.”

I chuckle hoarsely, so fucking confused what the fuck I’m doing flirting with Avery just a few feet away from where my stepdaughter Chloe is. If she heard the things I said to her best friend, no doubt she’d cut my fucking dick off. It’s harmless of course, no way I’d actually act on any of it, but Avery’s pluckiness is entertaining to mess with.