In her mind, her connection to me was purely physical. Nothing more than hot as fuck sex - a mutually pleasurable transaction formed from the lust we both felt for one another. She convinced herself that her doting relationship with Chloe was her only reason for seducing me.

But I knew the truth. She wanted me just as badly as I did her.

The thing is from the very first time we were all together it was all or nothing for me. I couldn't see past the thought of not being with both women. They complete something inside me that just won't be replicated with some random hookup. But it also won’t feel complete unless it’s the three of us always.

What we created together is just the beginning of what we could be. And then I went and fucked it all up because I took too goddamn long to accept it. Just because they let me back in for a night, doesn't mean they’ve forgiven me completely.

And I need their forgiveness more than I need air to breathe.

“Avery, wait. Let me,” I plead. She looks back over her shoulder bewildered by my words. “Please?”

She sighs and nods, turning around and getting back into bed, curling her body around Chloe’s. They look so beautiful, every second of the day they radiate a beauty that almost hurts to look at directly but in the prime afterglow of sex, they are breathtaking.

Soft, almost timid as they cuddle up together softly running their fingers through each other's hair just gazing into each other’s eyes. It’s picture perfect.

Nothing like the two dirty little vixens that just fucked me in ways a man only fantasizes about.

I stand and make my way over to the attached bathroom and grab some small towels from the counter, quickly running them under warm water. I strut back into the room where the girls are whispering away staring at my naked body with the same desire I feel as I watch them together on the bed.

Avery is shaking her head and whispering something I can’t quite hear, but I can guarantee it's about me. When I reach the bed, I sit on the edge by their feet and reach for Avery first. She’s so close to getting up and running out of here, I can feel it.

Not happening on my watch baby girl. Not again.

“Zane, really it's fine,” she stammers, trying to wiggle out of my grasp. “I can clean myself up. You should help Chloe. I’ll leave you two alone to talk. I think you still have a lot to say to each other.”

She sits up but I stop her, tightening my grip around her ankles and pulling her body down toward me. “You’re right. She and I have a lot to say to each other. Starting with an apology befitting of the hurt that I’ve caused,” I agree. “But she isn’t the only one that deserves a heartfelt apology, baby. You’re just as deserving.” I slowly trail my fingers up her calf and in between her thighs. “I fucked up withbothof you not just Chloe.” I continue as I finish wiping away my cum from her thighs.

But the girl is fucking stubborn.

“That's where you’re mistaken, Zane. I am all for us having our moment and fucking again and you begging for Chloe’s forgiveness, but I won’t be a part of this any other way. I can’t go farther than being your fuck buddy and loving Chloe however she will have me.”

God she’s equally infuriating and enticing. “You can lie to yourself all you want, Avery, but I know you feel just as strongly about me as I do you. I was a fucking idiot for even hesitating where either of you are concerned.”

Looking between them I make eye contact for a split second longer with Chloe hopefully communicating effectively that I need to fix this with Avery first. She gives me the briefest of nods and I know she understands.

Avery is unbelievably guarded for reasons I’m not sure about. I know her home life hasn’t been the best but there’s definitely a vulnerability within her that begs to be shown just how worthy of love she is. The girl hides her insecurities deep under the blanket of sex appeal and wears her heart on her cheek, but I can see through it all. I can see the real Avery.

The Avery she is with Chloe, the Avery I need her to be with me.

With that final thought, I drop to my knees on the floor and grab hold of Avery’s thighs, bringing her ass to the edge of the mattress.

She inhales sharply when my fingers graze her thighs, goosebumps covering her perfect skin.

Looking straight into her eyes I can see it clearly. She’s not angry, she’s fucking terrified. Scared to be hurt, to be loved and left. My heart breaks at the mere thought I’m the cause of that fear. That I broke her trust, betrayed her when she’d finally found something real.

Pulling her forward to sit up, I grip her chin, forcing her to look me in the eye. “I am so fucking sorry Avery. Sorry that I broke your trust in me. You didn’t mean for it to happen but you fell just as hard as we did. You were as present in those moments where the tenderness and intimacy was so thick you could practically reach out and touch it. Our emotions were that raw. Almost losing you both has been my life’s biggest regret. I couldn’t function as half the man I was without you both there in my life. It's how I ended up here. Stalking you and trying to keep you safe from afar. I put you in danger by breaking your hearts carelessly and I deserve every ounce of your anger. If you want to rip my heart out and stomp on it in front of me, be my guest. It’s yours to do with as you please. I haven’t owned it since the moment the two of you walked through my door last Christmas. The gifts I never expected and sure as hell didn’t think I needed.” I release her and press my lips to her knee, slowly kissing my way up her legs, stopping in between her thighs when I hear her breath hitch. “Do whatever you want, baby, just tell me you’ll take me back. You’ll give us a chance. The three of us. I don’t want to live half a life, being able to touch you but not being able to love you.”

Chloe gasps at my words and when I glance up at her once again, I find tears dripping down her cheeks. Pulling her forward I cup her face with my hand, stroking her cheeks and running my thumb under her eye to wipe away her tears.

“I love you both so fucking much and I haven’t shown you how much you mean to me. I have only shown you how much of a coward I have been. But know this, life for me has no meaning without you two in it. I fucking love you girls.”

The moment the words leave my lips it’s like a fucking switch flips inside Avery and she quickly straightens up, her arms wrapping around my neck to pull me forward, our lips crashing together in a frenzied kiss.

Her mouth moves against mine, opening up for me to swirl my tongue around hers as her hands frantically find their way up and down my back. I reach down and cup her ass, hoisting her up into the air as I stand, her legs wrapping around my waist as her mouth continues to assault mine.

I can feel her slick arousal rubbing against my throbbing cock, and the moment I slide inside of her, she gasps into my mouth. I swallow her moan, pressing myself further inside. She’s already on the edge, I can feel her as I push into her, taking my time yet not being able to resist digging my fingers into her round, perfect ass.

This woman is going to be the death of me. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again. She was made for me to fuck, but I need more than that from her. I know she was also made for me to love.