My first instinct is to rush after her but just as I do, Zane reaches out and grabs my arm pulling me to him.

“So help me God Zane if you don’t let go of me right now I’ll shove the fucking cock I fucked Chloe with up your ass so hard you’ll feel that shit in the back of your throat.”

Eyes all around us fall on me in horror while a few gasps are heard, but he doesn’t take his eyes off of me. Instead, he releases me with a loud chuckle.

“Don’t threaten me with a good time, baby.” I roll my eyes and take off in the direction Chloe ran off to but he follows quickly behind me. “You know you are so fucking hot when you’re fuming baby.”

“Shut up Zane,” I murmur, trying my hardest to ignore him behind me but his scent is intoxicating and now that it’s just the two of us in this narrow hallway it’s enveloping me and suffocating at the same time.

“God, I’m a sick fucking bastard,” he mutters under his breath though I don’t think that was meant for my ears.

I continue to ignore him even though what he’s said starts a fire in me I’m not sure anyone but he can put out.

We reach the staff room I know she’s run into because when I reach for the doorknob it’s locked like I’d expected. I knock three times on the wooden door, leaning in close. “Chloe baby, please unlock the door.”

Zane comes up behind me and presses into me, his broad, rock-hard chest against my back as my tits squeeze tight against the door. “Fuck, Chloe I’m sorry baby girl. Can you just open up and let me explain?”

I turn around so fast I whack him in the face with my curly ponytail. “Explain what, huh? How you’ve suddenly gotten over yourself and are now ready to admit what a fucking dumbass you are for breaking her heart?”

The fury in his eyes comes to life when he pushes me back into the door, his hand wrapping around my neck with a force he’s never allowed himself to show. “You’re both fucking mine and I don’t give a fuck what you or any other motherfucker has to say about it. Got it?”

Suddenly a cat’s got my tongue and all I can do is nod my head in agreement.Who the fuck am I kidding?Of course we’re still his, and we could never kid ourselves by pretending we could belong to anyone else. We became his the moment we showed up on his doorstep and planned to seduce him.

We were his the moment he fucked us like no man had ever done. We were even still his when he kicked us out of his house, out of fear or stupidity whatever his reason was. And now we’ll be his once again because despite what we told ourselves and although it took him this long to show up and apologize, there is no one else we’d ever want.

Behind me the door opens suddenly revealing a teary-eyed Chloe. Her eyes both swollen and bright red, flick back and forth between Zane and I, and his hand that’s still wrapped around my neck.

Zane releases me and opens his arms for Chloe to run into. She does, sobbing into his chest as he holds her tight, looking up at me over her head. He nods his head wordlessly telling me to snuggle in too.

And that’s exactly what I do, tucking myself under his open arms, leaning my head against his chest over his heart.

It’s just the three of us in the hallway, all alone in the dark, nothing but the muffled noise of the bar in the distance and the sound of our labored breathing in sync.

Chloe lifts her head and mutters in between hiccupped cries. “Take us home, Daddy.”



“Both of you, on your fucking knees. Now.”

Is it possible to die from premature orgasms?Because if it’s never happened, I’m afraid I’ll be the first.

Zane wastes no time and the moment we walk through the front door of our condo he is barking out orders. I’m surprised we kept our hands off one another through the short drive here from the bar. I was sure the tension in the car was going to melt the entire metal frame and leave us stranded in the middle of the road.

The buildup.

The months of playing this exact scenario in my head repeatedly, rehearsing in the mirror every single thing I’d say to him. It’s all gone. I have no clue what to say. No idea how to react to this man I should hate but am head over heels in love with.

All I wanted for so long was for him to love me. To show me I was worthy of the love I felt was missing my entire life. When I finally felt like I meant something more to him than a charity case, he made me feel worthless.

Unrequited love burns faster than a desert fire in the middle of a windy summer day.

I should be angry, pissed off at him for ignoring me, breaking my heart, and suddenly wanting me back when he feared I’d become someone else's. But I don't feel any of that. Seeing him again, feeling his hands on me as they wrapped around me immediately made me feel safe.

