I’d never seen anything so beautiful.

The way the two of them moved so effortlessly down the bar, serving, and pouring drink after drink with an ear to ear grin on each of their faces and a flutter of their long perfect lashes.

Every male and female in the vicinity watched them with the same eagerness I did. They were fucking mesmerizing.

Stark red hair, bold like a raging forest fire during its driest peak, and a blonde so shiny and bright it gleamed like sunlight in the darkest corner. They were night and day, darkness and light, an Angel, and a Devil.

And in another world they were mine.

I was a fucking sadist. Sitting here punishing myself, watching them be happy without me. Watching how they’d moved on with their lives, together. I’d fucked shit up so bad I wasn’t sure I could ever win them back.

Would they forgive me if I dropped to my knees and begged? Or was I doomed to live with the reminder that I fucked up the best thing that had ever happened to me?

I’ve been here for months watching them, waiting for the perfect moment to win them back. I’ve had countless opportunities to make myself known but I haven’t had the balls to confront them and admit I was wrong.

I was so fucking wrong.

I’d planned to stay away until the night they were almost attacked. I couldn’t bear to even imagine what would have happened to my girls if I hadn’t been there that night to protect them. Like I should be there every night. I'll never fail them again. Even if they never forgive me, I’ll be there in the shadows. Watching, waiting, and keeping them safe.

Moving here, while bold as fuck, has been a needed change in my life. I spent weeks and months miserable without them and realized I’d been miserable for far longer than that. All they did was give me a glimpse at the life I was denying myself. Of all the happiness I was missing by pushing away anyone who wanted to get close to me.

It was my fault. I focused on what others might think when I always prided myself on not giving two shits about anyone’s opinion of me. Suddenly I was so hung up on what our relationship would look like to the outside world. The world may or may not give a shit about the way I choose to live my life, but they’re not the ones who will feel pain and grief over the loss of the best things to happen to me.

And after what I saw last night, I don’t think I can hold off any longer.

Coming out of the corner I’ve been hiding in, I move over toward the bar and find an empty seat in between two couples who are so engrossed in their conversation they don’t even notice me.

I watch as Chloe pours and delivers drink after drink, a bead of sweat dripping down her forehead while another gleams between the cleavage of her breasts.

After delivering a drink to a chick at the far end of the bar, she wipes her hands on the towel tucked into the waist of her skirt, her eyes skimming the room to see if anyone new has approached the bar. Her eyes meet mine for a moment but I glance down, hoping to keep my identity hidden a little longer.

I’m wearing another one of the many black hoodies I’ve purchased in the last month. And must stick out like a sore thumb amid all the summer casual attire of the bar patrons.

“What can I get you sir?” Chloe says, sauntering over to me with a wide grin before realizing it’s me who is sitting across from her. Her eyes widen and her smile falters, not completely disappearing but losing its mesmerizing shine.

I look her dead in the eye and for a second it’s almost like she’s happy to see me. Though just as quickly as realization hits her, her smile completely fades away, and it makes me fucking sick to my stomach to be the reason it’s lost.

Reaching out I place a hand on hers, feeling her fingers tremble under my touch but she doesn’t immediately pull away. She inhales sharply, closing her mouth in a tight line.

“Whiskey neat,” I murmur, answering her question.

Her mouth falls open and all I can think of is how perfect her lips would look wrapped around my cock again.

Fuck she looks beautiful. Her blond hair is longer than it was just a few months ago, falling in loose waves down her back and over her shoulders. But it’s those baby blues gleaming at me as she tries to figure out how to react to my presence.

Does she show me how much I know she’s missed me or how much I've hurt her?

My eyes travel down to her perfect tits nearly coming out of the fitted top she’s wearing, the one she wears every night which makes me want to come in and blind every fucker in here. No one deserves to look at her, to lust after her, to wish it were them she was looking at the way she’s staring at me right now.

With undying love and affection.

I don’t deserve it but I’m a selfish bastard who will take it, anyway.

My baby girl’s missed me and some sick part of me, the one buried deep down past all the other twisted shit, is gloating like I’ve already won.

I can’t get the look of her and Avery fucking each other out of my mind. For three nights, it has haunted me. The way they cried out my name as they came for each other on multiple occasions, picturing it was my cock fucking them. Picturing it was my lips on them bringing them to the edge of ecstasy like I did on countless occasions when we were together.