Sure we’d get some decent tips at a five-star restaurant but at the bar with drunk patrons already spending their rent or tuition payment on booze, they don’t hesitate to throw a few extra twenties for the hot as hell chicks in cute little outfits bearing plenty of tits and ass. Only it also comes with repercussions such as tonight when these handsy assholes feel like they’ve paid enough for a little taste of the goods.

“What was that?” Chloe shrieks beside me as she inches closer to me worriedly looking around the parking structure right outside our condo.

I follow her gaze around the darkness and hear something move in the distance but can’t see a thing. The low echoes of the cars rushing up and down the street can be heard in the distance so I chalk it up to her being paranoid and me in a foul mood.

I grab her hand and pull her after me eager to get out of these costumes and into bed. “I’m sure it’s nothing. Let’s just get out of here.”

But before we can take a single step forward, a sleek black SUV pulls up beside us, tires screeching as it comes to a halt right before crashing into me.

I close my eyes preparing for the contact but it never comes. Instead, the blacked-out windows roll down slowly making the hairs on the back of my neck rise in fear.

“Hey there pretty girl,” a deep, crippling voice calls out from the driver's side. I glance over and find the same asshole from the bar, the one who groped Chloe and locked us out, licking his lips as he exits the vehicle. “Where did we leave off?”

Fear paralyzes me in place at the same time a loud, horrified cry leaves Chloe’s lips. I grip her hand tighter and turn to sprint away, but it’s useless. The asshole has brought two friends and within seconds they have us surrounded.

“Holy shit we’re going to be on the news,” Chloe whimpers low against my chest as I take her under my arm and hold her close. She’s not wrong though.

We’ll end up being one of those viral memes about two Florida girls who were attacked, raped, and murdered in the middle of the street across from their home in the wee hours of the morning.

Or our faces will be plastered along telephone poles about two missing girls, kidnapped and drugged only to be found dumped in the middle of a swamp chewed up by gators.

That’s what our life will be reduced to.

“Don’t look so scared, pretty girl,” the handsy asshole says, reaching out to run his fingers along Chloe’s arm. I spit at his face and instantly realize it was the wrong fucking move when his eyes widen and the snide smirk along his lips turns upward into a fucking terrifying Joker-like grin.

“Oh, this one’s feisty man,” he says looking over to one of his buddies.

“The redheads’ always are,” his friend agrees, slowly making his way toward me only just as he’s about to reach for me, a shadow emerges from the darkness and tackles him to the floor.

Holy shit.

We watch as he viciously beats the shit out of the three men, each one of them coming at him at different times but falling back the moment his fists ram against their jaws. Unable to watch for much longer, I grab Chloe’s arm and rush toward our condo, locking the door the moment we’re inside.

I have no fucking clue who that man was but I’m sure as hell glad he showed up when he did.



Itoss my keys on the table by the entrance of the seedy motel room I’m staying in before rushing over to the bathroom, undressing as I go. Yanking my black hoodie over my head I drop it to the floor, step out of my boots, and strip out of my jeans and boxers before hopping in the shower.

Once inside, I turn on the cold water and lean my head back against the porcelain tile letting the frigid temperature of the water drown out my anger. It does nothing to cool the blazing rage building inside of me yet again after having just released it on three well deserving fuck heads. I can still feel my blood boiling beneath my skin, crawling through me like a tempestuous fire flickering in my veins.

After a moment I open my eyes and watch the water run red from my blood stained knuckles marred with gashes from where my fists connected with their jaws. I would have killed the fucking assholes if the sirens hadn’t started blaring in the distance scaring them off.

The bastards dared to put their hands on my girls.

My girls.

They’re not yours anymore fucker.

You let them go. You had them in the palm of your hands and you fucking ruined it. And I’ve regretted it every moment since.

The day Chloe and Avery walked out my door three months ago was the worst day of my fucking life. The worst part wasn’t the way I spoke to them, insulting them and treating them like they were nothing more than a dirty mistake, it was the look of heartbreak written on my baby girl’s face.

I hurt Chloe. I robbed her of her innocence, fucked her the way no man ever should dare to - rough and with no mercy - then turned her away like it had meant nothing. It broke her to hear me say I’d never regretted anything as much as touching her.

Though the truth is being with her in that way meant absolutely everything. And that right there was the fucking problem.