“Ooo yes! I love that part, and we can wear the Santa outfits I bought us all!”

They both turn to me for approval, and for once I have no fucking clue what they’re talking about. I raise a brow, unsure of what they want from me.

Suddenly Chloe jumps out of her seat and rushes upstairs, leaving me once again alone with Avery. My gaze follows Chloe out, but when I turn my attention to Avery, expecting she’ll be looking at me too, she’s staring directly toward where Chloe disappeared from.

Her smile is wide, biting her lip she watches her run up the stairs in the short ass fucking dress that leaves nothing to the imagination.

“You really are great Zane,” she says, suddenly turning to me. “Humoring her and feeding her Christmas obsession, even if it’s the last thing you want to do.”

I swallow hard at Avery’s observation. “I guess some might find it odd that after all these years I’d still spend time with my stepdaughter, especially during a holiday, but Chloe’s mom was never a present mother. When Chloe texted me last week that Caroline was leaving to spend the holiday in Florida without her, I just couldn’t live with the idea that Chloe would be alone on her favorite day of the year, again.”

“There is nothing odd about it, Zane,” she says, standing and slowly strutting toward me. I straighten up in my seat, pushing back, and bracing myself for her touch. She slides her hand across my shoulder, wrapping one hand around my neck as she settles on my lap. Instantly my erection, present as ever, pushes into her ass. My hand slides over her thigh, trying my hardest not to push her dress up further.

The smile that spreads across her face proves she can feel just how fucking hard I am. “Nothing odd about the fact I want to fuck her girlfriend either?” I ask, insinuating Avery and Chloe have a more-than-friends relationship. I mean Chloe fucking went down on her, these girls have to be hot for one another. The thought makes my cock strain in my slacks.

Avery giggles, such a sweet and sexy sound. “Chloe and I, we love each other. She’s my best friend, the only person in this world I give a shit about.” Her hand reaches up to rub the stubble of my chin. I didn’t shave this morning and have a nice thick layer around my jaw. “But it’s the twenty-first century Zane, I can be hot for pussy and cock.”

Now it’s me who laughs. “And I can be hot for an eighteen-year-old, tight little cunt?”

She leans forwards, licking across my jaw, the same path her fingers caressed. Her tongue is wet and warm, and my cock twitches imagining what it’d feel like wrapped around it. “You can be hot for two,” she whispers against my lips, pulling back and giving me a sexy little wink. “Want to play with us, Zane?”

Just as the question leaves Avery’s mouth, Chloe waltzes back into the room. I’m not sure if she notices Avery on my lap, if she does, she says nothing. Suddenly, Avery’s up and right in front of her, pulling one of the red and white outfits from her hand.

“Avery, you and I will be matching obviously, and Zane,” she mumbles as she reaches me. “This is for you. I thought it would be fun.” Her eyes stare at my feet as a deep blush creeps over her cheeks. “Will you wear it for me?” she asks, looking up at me between her long, thick lashes. She’s so fucking beautiful, and sexy.

How have I never allowed myself the chance to notice?

Because she’s your fucking stepdaughter, the voice in my head sneers.Ex-step daughter, I sneer back. She’s eighteen and nothing of mine. Avery’s right, what’s holding me back?

I grab the Santa outfit from Chloe, leaning forward to kiss her forehead. “Anything for you baby girl, anything.”



It’s happening tonight.

I can feel it. The thick tension spreads in the room. It practically smells like sex already.

Zane is incredibly hard, sitting across from us in the den, dressed like a sexy as fuck Santa Claus. The outfit Chloe gave him, one I’m surprised he put on, is nothing but a pair of red boxer shorts, with a painted black belt, and a long, red velvet robe with white fur on the hemlines.

Zane looks like he’s fucking carved out of stone, every muscle of his abdomen perfectly formed and tan, hairless skin glowing under the dim lighting of the Christmas tree. So fucking sexy. Hot Santa Claus is eager to deliver his presents to his Mrs. Claus’s tonight.

Of course Chloe and I aren’t playing fair either. The incredibly short, red velvet skirts leave nothing to the imagination, while our matching crop tops are more of a fancy bralette. Oh, and we can’t forget the Santa hats. Zane watches us with eager eyes and we dance in front of the Christmas tree, to the sound ofJingle Bell Rock, as promised. His phone is in his hand, recording our little performance. We asked him to of course, and he was quick to accept the role of Regina George’s mother.

I’m pretty sure this is spank bank material for any man, of any age.

We ditched the movie tonight, instead choosing to play a few drinking games, courtesy of my delicious Christmas Poison Punch, and filmed our own performances. We’ve danced to the tune ofJingle Bells, All I Want For Christmas, Santa Baby, andJingle Bell Rockon a loop, but no one's complaining. Zane even indulged us and moved to the beat ofYou’re A Mean One, Mr. Grinch.It might be because we’ve all got some jingle juice running through our veins.

It’s aHolly Jolly Christmas, right?

The clock is about to strike midnight, and according to Chloe, it’s time for presents.

“So I’ll go first!” she shouts, grabbing two packages out from under the tree. I feel a pang of guilt because I have nothing to give them. I’m not used to the usual Christmas etiquette, my mother and I have never exchanged gifts. I’m sure I can come up with something though.

Chloe hands us each a package wrapped in the prettiest silver and red striped wrapping paper. I’m eager to unwrap it, curious to know what’s inside.

Zane opens his first, and I see a frame with a candid photograph I took of Zane and her while we decorated the Christmas tree. They’re both laughing wholeheartedly, neither one looking directly at the camera, but the love these two feel for each other is written all over their faces. I’ve never seen Chloe smile the way she does when she looks at Zane, and the way Zane’s been behaving this week, wearing a fucking Santa outfit when he hates the holiday, proves how much she means to him.