

“You have to come with me Avery. I’m not taking no for an answer!”

For the hundredth time in our ten-minute conversation, I find myself yet again eagerly shouting at my best friend through the speaker of my cell phone, which is currently hidden under the gigantic pile of clothes thrown over my bed. Exasperated and frankly exhausted from all the packing I have yet to complete, I throw my hands in the air above my head when she doesn’t respond.

Packing is a fucking bitch, but packing for a trip to Colorado in the middle of winter is nearly impossible.

I mean snow pants, who the hell invented those fashion atrocities? And where can I find them to give them a piece of my mind?

I’m no fashion snob, although I grew up with the means and influence to become one, but I do like to indulge in an annual shopping spree or two from Bergdorf Goodman courtesy of my absent mother. As if a pair of Louboutin heels or a brand new Birkin can make up for years of neglectful indifference with her only daughter.

News flash it doesn’t, but it also doesn’t hurt for her to try.

My fingers tremble with excitement as I pick up and fold the matching silk pajamas and Christmas themed outfits I bought for us to wear on this impromptu trip I’m currently struggling to convince my best friend to come with me on.

“This is more like it,” I whisper to myself, my grin widening with excitement as I imagine how fucking adorable we’re going to look. Not adorable but sexy as hell. That’s the plan at least, and if all goes as planned, this holiday will surely be one to remember.

Just in case, these outfits are my insurance.

“Chlo, I don’t want to just show up somewhere I haven’t been invited,” my best friend calls out reminding me she’s still there. Her voice is muffled by the piles of clothes atop the speaker but I can hear a hint of uncertainty in her tone.

My heart aches to hear her this way, especially when my best friend is the strongest woman I’ve ever met. I love everything about Avery, including her aura of confidence and spit fire attitude, but deep down my poor friend’s insecurities haunt her like a harrowing reminder of everything she’s feared since she was a little girl.

The ins and outs of what she should have been but isn’t. All thanks to her worthless mother who spent her entire childhood making her believe she was a burden.

Avery could never be a burden. Not to me or anyone.

Digging for my phone, I pull it out from under the jumbled pile of clothing and bring it to my ear making sure I’ve taken her off speaker.

“Avery,” I murmur, “I already told you, he’s totally cool with you coming. I mentioned how I couldn’t bear the thought of leaving my best friend home alone on Christmas, and it was actually he who suggested I bring you along.”

That’s not technically true, but I’m sure if I’d have found the courage to call up my stepdad Zane and ask him if I could bring Avery along with me to his reclusive cabin in the mountains of Aspen, he’d have said yes. At least, I think he would have.

It wouldn’t have mattered that he was already dreadingmyvisit, not because he doesn’t want to see me, but because I’ll be interrupting his self-imposed cave dweller isolation and bringing along my jolly good cheer. After two years of radio silence, I’m glad he didn’t completely blow me off.

This time of year is hands down the most magical and incredible season filled with laughter, warmth, and love. There is nothing I love more than Christmas time though there’s also nothing more that Zane hates.

But he loves me, which is why for as long as I’ve known him, he’s allowed me to burden him with my holiday spirit. Though now it’s been two years since I last saw him. three since we last spent Christmas together.

Tears prickle my eyes at the memory of our last Christmas together. It was a simpler time, one I’d give anything to go back to, but if I’m being honest, I should have known then the following two months were going to be some of the worst I’d ever endured.

“I don’t know Chloe,” Avery mutters, her voice bringing me out of my thoughts. She still sounds unsure. I can practically envision her chewing on her bottom lip like she does whenever she’s nervous. It’s a sort of tick she has and I’m afraid it didn’t take me long to figure it out.

I smile to myself as I picture her in my mind, soft cherry lips, plump and perfect, between her teeth. “I’m not taking no for an answer Avery. I’ll have my mom's driver pick you up before we head to the airport. Pack warm, there won't be any of that twenty-four-seven sunshine we are used to in California during December. You, my dear, are about to have your very first white Christmas.”

“Fine,” Avery grunts, clearly giving into my pleas like she always does. I know deep down she’s excited, but she hates to accept any help she views as pity.

“You won’t regret this I promise.” I knew it would take a bit of convincing but the reality of it is neither Zane nor my best friend can ever say no to me. It’s both a blessing and a curse.

“But if your stepdad is pissed when I show up, I’m out of there.”

I roll my eyes at her dramatics, “Oh puh-lease, Zane could never be mad at me, and you’re my bestie, which means he can never be mad at you by association.”

“Whatever, see you tomorrow Chlo.”

“Love you too bitch,” I shout just before she hangs up.