I suck Chloe’s nipple into my mouth while cupping her other breast in my hand, kneading it until I hear her moan. I suck and bite down hard, marking her skin with a bright red and purple mark.

Mine. She’s only mine.

Avery continues to fuck her with her tongue adding two fingers while bringing her to the edge of her climax. Meanwhile, I continue to kiss her, releasing her breasts only to wrap my fingers around her neck and bring her lips back to mine.

“Kiss me, Baby Girl. Kiss me like you’ll die if your lips aren’t pressed to mine.”

Chloe cries out into my mouth as her orgasm ripples through her. She’s panting, her chest rising and falling as she tries to catch her breath. Her eyes widen and a look of indecision crosses her face. It’s a worrisome expression that has no business being anywhere near our happy moment.

Her frown suddenly shifts to a wicked smile, pearly whites gleaming bright along with the devilish sparkle in her eyes. “Now all that’s left is to tell my mom I’m moving out.”

Avery laughs hysterically, jumping up and down. “Please tell me I can be there when you have that conversation. I’d kill to see the look on Caroline O’Connell’s face when she finds out her “Plain Jane” daughter bagged the old hag’s sexy ex-husband.”

A smile takes over my face as I watch the two of them laugh joyfully. “Yeah me too.”



Four years later

How can one person feel so much joy all at once?

It's been an eventful four years. Four years of ups and downs, tears and laughter, heated fights and even hotter make up sex, yet somehow we’re still as connected as ever.

Despite everything we’ve had to deal with over the years, each obstacle that’s been thrown our way or hoop we’ve had to jump through because of our unconventional relationship, we’ve come out on top. Defied all odds and stayed together.

Proof that our relationship is one of the real ones. One of a kind. True love triumphs all, and there is no one I love more than my chosen family.

It's Christmas time again. Chloe's favorite holiday and the moment this all started. To think four years ago we were in Zane’s house, seducing him into fucking us for the first time. If I'm being honest, that’s one reason it’s now become my favorite too. Though watching how happy preparing for the season makes Chloe has made me cherish this time of year more than anything. Every year as the season gets closer, she becomes a full-fledged decorating machine starting the day after Halloween. It’s inspiring. Not to mention her absolute disregard of Fall is hilarious.

However, that’s not the only reason I’ve found my Christmas spirit. This is our fourth Christmas together, but only our first with our bundle of joy.

Hailey Avery Anderson.

I’d never felt more happiness than the moment she was born and both Zane and Chloe turned my way, announcing what they’d chosen to name her. They wanted me to be a part of her even though she’s not biologically mine. We’ll always be a family but I know Zane and Chloe will have that uniquely special connection to her. To me it doesn't matter.

The moment I saw two little round pink cheeks and a button nose along with the biggest brightest green eyes and a small little pout that made her look just like her mother, I fell in love. She was beautiful beyond words and I felt something ache deep inside of me. Something I never even imagined existed.

A love so pure and potent I couldn’t believe I could give.

I still remember the day we found out Chloe was pregnant. It was three years after we’d reunited. We were in our Junior year at UF, living our best life with Zane in our house. The photography gallery he opened was thriving. Chloe’s love for teaching flourished, and she was so close to finishing her degree early, moving on to get her credentials. And after years of not knowing what the hell I wanted to do with my life, I’d finally decided that I wanted to major in film.

Zane admitted I should be on the big screen not hiding behind a camera directing a film, but I'd finally found my passion. Other than tirelessly fucking my two lovers.

Not to mention I was good at it. Hell, I'd already directed my own films, the ones I filmed and directed between Chloe and I. Zane liked to joke around and call them independent films and he’d tease me and say I should have won an Academy Award for them. Though in reality, being behind a camera whether it was to film ourselves for Zane, which we continued to do, or film content for my Instagram and TikTok accounts I’d started, I enjoyed how it felt to bring it all to life on a screen.

The day Chloe came crying hysterically to me because her period was late, I remember I was outside filming Zane in the pool. It was a secret project I’d been working on for one of my classes, “A Day in the Life” of someone I loved. He was swimming laps back and forth in our Olympic sized pool, water dripping down his beautifully tanned and sculpted torso as he got out and began walking toward me, oblivious to the fact I was filming him. Zan had been anxious that morning and needed to relieve some of the tension building up inside of him. I remember then thinking maybe he knew. Maybe deep down he’d felt that our world was about to be completely shifted off its axis.

But in the right direction. A direction none of us was expecting.

Chloe and I cried for three hours straight when the five pregnancy tests she’d taken came out positive. We hadn’t outright discussed it but we all knew Chloe had always dreamed of being a mom. She’d tell us she wanted to do better, be a better mother than we both had. But the fear of what others would think kept us from acting on it.

We tried our best to keep our private lives private but some of our friends knew about our relationship. Those closest to us held no judgment and were even jealous of the love we had but there were others, specifically those in our neighborhood who felt the need to hold reservations aboutourlives.

* * *

“What other peoplethink has never affected us before Chloe. We’ve never cared, why would we now?” I’d assured her.