The girl, currently getting mauled by the guy in between her legs, looks up annoyed when I clear my throat. “The one down the hall is busy but I think there’s a few upstairs,” she says, before turning back to make out with the guy who doesn't bother to look up at us.

“Thanks,” Chloe utters, continuing to pull me along with her. She drags me up the stairs and into one of the bedrooms, luckily this one’s empty, before I can finally catch my breath.

“Chlo, what the hell’s going on?” I ask when we finally come to a stop inside. The room is actually pretty clean and decently organized with a king sized bed against one wall and a couch against the other. There’s a large dresser beside a wide-screen TV, complete with every game console imaginable. A drum set sits across the couch in one corner and the dark gray walls are covered in band posters and a few other band memorabilia.

There’s an open door leading to what looks like a bathroom and instead of answering me, Chloe rushes toward it. I follow her closing and locking the door once we’re both inside.

“Chlo, what the hell?”

“What are we doing here, Avery?” she asks, looking up at me with red, glossy eyes. Oh shit, she looks like she’s about to cry.

“You're the one who was looking for a bathroom,” I say, not understanding what she’s getting at.

Like the rest of the room the bathroom is neatly organized and smells pretty good. The scent of whichever body wash was used earlier still lingers in the space and I’ve got to admit it smells pretty familiar.

“I mean here, at the Alpha Tau house, with Preston.”

Oh that. “We’re here to have fun, Chloe. We’re in college, single, sexy as fuck, we need to enjoy our time here.”

“I’m not ready for that Avery. You know I’m not over him,” she mumbles, unable to even say his name aloud.

“And you’re not going to get over him Chlo, not until you get under someone else. Trust me, there’s no other way. I’m sick and tired of seeing you depressed and obsessing over what you did wrong to make him not want you. You did nothing wrong babe, he’s the fucking idiot that threw this all away because of his own insecurities and fears.”

“The two of you are the only people I’ve ever been with. I don’t know how…”

“Just follow my lead okay. Trust me on this babe, it’ll do us some good to have a little fun with a guy like Preston who is down for it with none of the added drama of having to date him. Besides, he sure looks like he knows what he’s doing.”

That comment gets me a sly smile from her, and she subtly nods in agreement.

“Okay Avery, I trust you.”

“If at any time you want to stop Chlo, you know I will back you up. Chicks before dicks and all that bullshit.”

After fixing ourselves up a bit we step out of the bathroom and find ourselves face to face with a smirking Preston standing before us with his hands on his waist.

“I see you two found my bedroom all on your own.” Of course this is his bedroom. As the President of Alpha Tau he has his own room and there’s only a single bed in here.

“Well, why don’t you give us a tour.” Preston eagerly reaches for me and wraps an arm around my waist bringing me closer to him. His mouth comes down on mine in a sensual kiss, and he takes his time exploring my mouth.

I reach an arm out behind me and Chloe takes my hand stepping in closer to me and placing her hand along my waist. I pull away from Preston and turn back to my girl who’s watching us with a heated desire in her eyes. Unable to resist I take her lips in mine and kiss her the way I’ve been dying to since earlier today. With one hand on her waist and the other behind her head, I tug on the hair tie holding up her pony and let her gorgeous locks fall in a soft blanket over her shoulders, not once releasing her lips.

“Fuck me,” Preston groans, tightening his hold on my hips and thrusting me back against his hard erection. “You feel that babe. Fuck you two make me so fucking hard.”

I wriggle against his cock while I reach a hand between Chloe and I, cupping her sweet pussy through her panties under her dress. She moans into my mouth and the feel of her warm arousal on my hands along with Preston’s thick cock pressing into my shorts is already bringing me to the edge.

God, I’m so fucking horny.

I’ve always had a strong sexual appetite but lately I feel like a wild animal in need of another's touch to make me come alive. Fuck Zane for making me into the needy whore who craves the touch of a real man.

With a hand around my neck Preston forces me to release Chloe’s lips and frantically kisses me, hard and demanding, pushing his way into my mouth as his tongue dances along with mine.

“To the bed,” I say in between sloppy kisses, and Preston wastes no time dragging us toward his bed.

He lifts me in his arms and throws me against the mattress, turning to Chloe to do the same. Chloe squeals and I’m not sure if it’s fear or excitement.

“Fuck you two are gorgeous.”

He wastes no time and starts unbuckling my shorts, tugging them down my legs and dropping them to the floor leaving me in my cropped tank, that’s more just a piece of sheer fabric over my neon triangle bikini top, and a matching thong bottom.