“Avery,” she groans, making no move to stop me. I kiss her in between her legs over the fabric of her shorts and she presses her ass back against me in response. Fuck she smells good but if I get us started now, there won’t be enough for the fun I have planned tonight.

So instead I give her ass another curt smack and hop off the bed. “Not if you don't shower and get ready. If you want to stop by the Delta house before heading over to the party at the guys’ house, then get this pretty little ass in the shower now.”

She jumps out of bed and gives me a soft giggle. “Damn I love it when you get all hot and bossy.”

I can’t help but laugh as she skips to me and wraps her arms around my neck. My hands go down to her waist holding her in place as she tries to wiggle her way between my legs. She pouts when she realizes I’m being serious but before she walks off, I grab her ass and give it a nice squeeze. “Then I’ll boss you around tonight as I lick in between these gorgeous cheeks.”

“Yes, please.”

Two and a half hours later, we’re walking through the front doors of the ATO house. A large two-story mansion, not as grandiose as the Delta house from earlier, but stunning in its own way. The two black entry doors are swung open by a pair of shirtless guys draped in togas with ivy vines wrapped around their heads like a crown.

They holler an obnoxious welcome and lead us toward the back of the house where their “brothers” are all gathered around dressed in the same ridiculous costume.

Chlo and I stopped by the Delta mixer before coming here but only stayed for about an hour. It was, as expected, full of girls all dressed in white flowy summer dresses with equally gorgeous flower crowns in their perfect hair welcoming us to the Tri-Delta family. I guess we impressed the Delta Blondies earlier and discovered we’re shoo-in for Delta if we choose to rush.

Something one girl said made me wonder if Chloe’s mom had something to do with it since she is a Tri-Delta Legacy.

It took some convincing on my part since apparently Chloe was no longer in a partying mood, but here we are. Single and ready to mingle, in other words get the asshole Zane Anderson out of our heads.

The yard is crowded with hot, sweaty, nearly naked bodies dancing under the moonlight and various outdoor string lights hanging along the patio. There’s an enormous pool in the middle of the deck full of orange and blue balloons, UF’s school colors, and party goers already too drunk to function practically dry humping each other under the water.

Chloe looks over at me with a frightened look as her gaze continues to peruse around the space. Her first official Frat party and dare I say she doesn’t look impressed.

“You girls made it,” Preston calls out as he comes up from behind us and throws his arms around both our shoulders bringing us against his bare chest. He smells divine and I can’t help but snuggle in closer to him, enjoying the feel of a man’s arms around me. It’s been too long. Neither Chloe nor I have really been able to fully enjoy the experience since Zane.

I’ve had a couple hook ups since the last time we were with him, but unfortunately the brute asshole has ruined me for every other cock out there. Yet something tells me that Preston may just be our much needed distraction.

“Told you we would and something you should know about us is we don’t lie.” Preston’s smile widens as his eyes roam over my chosen outfit tonight. Cut-off white shorts and a cropped white tank over a neon orange bikini top.

“Care for a drink ladies,” another bare chested guy in a toga says as he brings over a tray of blue shots. Chloe casually wiggles out of Preston’s embrace and reaches for a drink from the tray but Preston stops her, placing a hand over hers.

“Rule number one darling, don’t take a drink from one of these assholes.” Chloe turns to Preston with confusion. He steps away for a moment and over to one of the many inflatable pools doubling as ice chests scattered along the property. He grabs two beer bottles and brings them over, opening them with his teeth before handing them to us. “Make sure all your drinks are shut tight before you accept them.”

“Thanks,” Chloe says, taking the beer Preston is offering her. “Is it obvious this is my first party?”

Preston chuckles and gives her a full smile showing off his perfectly straight pearly whites. Damn this guy is totally gorgeous. “Better safe than sorry darling,” he says with a wink.

Chloe’s cheeks flush slightly and she tucks a strand of hair she let fall over her face behind her ear. Her hair is up in a high ponytail showing off her long slim neck and shoulders, her tight body highlighted by the cute little white sundress she’s wearing.

“Come, let me introduce you ladies to the guys of Alpha Tau.”

Preston wasn’t kidding when he said he was going to introduce us to hisfraternitybros. We’ve spent the last two hours mingling amongst the crowd of obnoxious frat boys and the girls desperate to find out if the hype is worth the risk of bedding one of these infamous fuck boys.

Well tonight, so are we.

We’ve moved from the beer pong tournament over to the seating area around the small fire pit with a few of Preston’s closest friends. The party is slowly dying down with only a handful of lingering bodies who are most likely ready to take this party to the next level.

“So Preston,” I murmur coyly, bringing his attention from the beer in his hand to me. He leans back against the couch and throws his arm over my shoulder. “Got anywhere we can chill and get to know each other better?”

Chloe scoffs, but when I place a hand on her thigh and give it a gentle squeeze her eyes shoot to mine.

Preston leans in and runs his lips over my neck, softly kissing me while I continue to rub back and forth against Chloe’s thigh. “Thought you’d never ask babe,” he whispers against me, goosebumps spreading over my skin and not from the cool breeze that’s suddenly come over us.

The sky is ominous and a dark cloud of mist lingers in the air reminding us it’s still Spring even though the days feel like Summer.

“Why don’t we take this upstairs?” I ask, turning and letting his lips brush against the edge of mine. Preston tries to lean in for a kiss but just as he’s about to Chloe stands and pulls me with her.

“Upstairs, that’s a good idea,” she mumbles nervously. “Mind if we use the bathroom first?” She doesn't wait for Preston to give her an answer before dragging me through the yard and into the house asking out loud where the bathroom is. We walk through the kitchen where we spot a couple making out against the fridge blocking our way.